The One With The Secret Santa

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Christmas was fast approaching and although they neither of them knew it yet, Jen and David had each picked each other in the cast Secret Santa draw, which is why Saturday morning found Jen wandering around one of her favourite antiques stores trying to find something that would fit the bill. As usual they had set a small budget since they could all buy whatever expensive things they wanted for themselves.  This was always more about fun and finding something that maybe they never would have found themselves.  Jen never usually struggled with buying gifts, it was something she was pretty good at, but this was proving a far bigger challenge because she wanted it to be perfect. She was already at the third shop and she had picked up and put back various bits and pieces but so far nothing had spoken to her heart or screamed David at her.  She was about to leave when she spotted something partially hidden on a shelf which gave her the foundations of an idea.

David had also been on a secret shopping mission that morning, only unlike Jen he knew exactly what he wanted to give her.  And it was something which required minimal purchasing but a reasonable amount of time and effort, so he spent much of the rest of the day making sure he was 100% happy with the gift he planned to give to her.

They had a Friends Christmas dinner planned for tonight, the six of them plus partners although Brad would be filming so he wouldn't be there, David was coming alone and so was Matty, so there would be nine of them in total.  Courteney was hosting as she frequently did, and they would exchange their gifts at the gathering.  It was something they had done since the first year and had become one of their favourite traditions, and one they had all talked about keeping up with once the show ended too, getting together around the holidays, all six of them, to catch up and reminisce about what would soon become these good old days.

"I'll pick you up around 8pm tomorrow if you still want me to?" Jen had said to David as they were leaving the set late on Friday night.

"If you're sure you don't mind?" he replied, "that'd be great."

"Of course, I don't mind" she answered with a wide smile. "I'm really looking forward to it."

"I'll just go and collect him, back in a minute" Jen said to Carl her driver as they pulled into David's driveway and she hopped out, buzzing the intercom and slipping between the two large security gates as they slowly opened up.  He was at his door locking it by the time she reached him and she couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline as she admired his smartly pressed black trousers, crisp black shirt with the top two buttons undone, and a dashing blueish grey suit jacket.  His hair was exactly as she loved it, a bit longer, slightly messy and tousled and matched perfectly with a small amount of dark stubble on his face.

"Hey!" she smiled at him, her eyes sparkling as she reveled in just how handsome and sexy he looked, "you look...... you look just... wow!" 

"Why thank you" he grinned, barely able to peel his eyes away from her sensational body which was accentuated in all the right places by a flowing and shimmering, gold coloured, one shouldered dress.  It sat just above her knees and the beaded floaty fabric was semi sheer so that he could almost see the parts of her he hadn't seen for a long time through it. "You look absolutely incredible" he breathed, slightly ashamed of how intently he was staring at her but not able to draw his gaze away. He looked down at her impossibly high, strappy and delicate nude coloured heels. "How on earth do you walk in those things?" he laughed, noticing that she was a good four inches taller than when she wore sneakers on set.

"Easy...... like this" she said, linking her arm into his and swaying her way down his driveway to her waiting vehicle, purposely swinging her hips just that little bit more than normal so that she pressed against him with every other step.

The dinner was wonderful.  Courteney was an incredible host and the food and atmosphere were just perfect.  Although there was a slight tinge of nostalgia in the air now and again, the overall vibe was happy and joyous, especially as Court was now well past the most dangerous part of her pregnancy and was beginning to bloom beautifully.  The wine had been flowing freely all night and as the levels of tipsiness and relaxation grew, so did the volume of their laughter and chatter.

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