The One With Bolognese

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Jen choked on the water she was drinking as David's message came in. 'Shit' she thought to herself, 'shit, shit shit'. She was not in any way sure she was ready for this. Ready to spend the rest of her life with David? Yes absolutely, one hundred percent sure. Ready to take on Cleo as a friend, a daughter, a mentee? No shred of doubt in her mind. She was part of the package deal and she was willing, committed and actually quite excited about her potential role in the young girl's life. She had already mentally made several notes about things that she herself had found challenging when dealing with her own step parents and she was absolutely determined she was not going to let any of those things happen to Cleo. But, the real question remained, was she ready to deal with Zoe? She wasn't sure she was. She felt strangely intimidated by her and somewhat wary. She had given David the one thing that Jen couldn't. A family. A lifelong genetic bond that tied them together no matter what their marital status. They were linked; entwined; connected forever through their daughter and that thought scared Jen enormously. If Zoe didn't like Jen, or didn't like the thought of her and David being together, she had the power to make their lives incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

'Honey I'm really nervous about what she's going to say. Hopefully it's nothing bad. Please keep me updated. I'll be thinking of you. If you need me to do anything or talk to her or Cleo then just call, I'll make sure I'm available no matter what or when. I love you xx'

Jen read his reply in which he promised that he would be in touch as soon as possible and not to worry, he was sure it would be totally fine. She didn't believe him though, not as in she thought he was lying to her, but she knew without a shadow of doubt that he would be as worried about this as she was, probably more so. She only had herself to fret about at the end of the day, he had his daughter to think about too and she was quite rightly his priority. That didn't mean for one moment that he would up and walk away from Jen and give up on their chance of happiness together just because there might be a slight hurdle to clear. But it did potentially mean she wouldn't see him again quite so often if Zoe got awkward about any time missed with Cleo, or if she requested to change around their days at the last minute, making David look like the uncooperative and uncaring parent if he said no one too many times.

She spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening pacing, checking her phone every few minutes, wondering how it was going. Should she text? Why hadn't he been in touch yet? She felt like her heart was racing and her stomach was in knots. Once more, it seemed, the fate of her relationship with David was out of her control, the power yet again held by someone outside of the two of them. She mentally gave herself a slap. She was being ridiculous and she knew she was. Zoe approving or disapproving of her couldn't and wouldn't change the course of their future. Sure, it might make things a little trickier if she wasn't entirely accepting of the development in their relationship status, but she knew David better than that by now and he wouldn't allow Zoe to have such an impact on his life and their own future now that they were divorced. And anyway, for all she knew, they might be having a lovely time, the three of them together, all happy for David and his new (old) love.

David had gone straight from the airport to Zoe's place, which had always been the plan anyway as it was his turn to take Cleo for a few days. He had felt unusually apprehensive as he stood at the door, waiting to be let in.

"Daddy!" Cleo cried as she came bounding to open up for him, opening her arms wide for a long and enthusiastic embrace.

"Hey princess, how's it going?" he asked as they closed the door behind them and he made his way down the enclosed hallway and into the large open plan living space beyond.

"Great" she answered leading the way, "all my friends are so excited about watching the reunion show again with you and you telling them all the backstage secrets."

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