The One Where The Man Has A Plan

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"You look like a shrivelled prune" Jen giggled, handing him the towel as he finally stopped and stepped out of the shower after at least thirty minutes of trying to get the perfect shot where the soap was the right level of soapy, his face was still recognisable, his lips giving a not so subtle pout, and his hands were a perfectly hilarious replication of how she'd been holding hers in the numerous promo shots she'd previewed for him yesterday.

"Flattery will get you anywhere" he grinned, leaning briefly in and landing a still slightly bubbly kiss on her lips.

"Urgh and you taste like soap" she squealed, rubbing fiercely at her mouth to try and rid the taste.

"See what lengths I'll go to for you" he laughed, continuing to towel himself off under her watchful eye. "I still think you should have joined me in there" he said as he watched her watching him pat his groin dry with the plush white material.

"I told you, not until we've actually bought it... it just wouldn't feel right."

"Except we both know it would've felt all kinds of right" he countered, the numerous glasses of wine he'd consumed leaving him a little freer with his words than he often was.

Jen let out a deep, throaty laugh, the one that never failed to send shivers down David's spine. "You are incorrigible" she said, before grabbing hold of the towel, ripping it from his hands and running off with it, David chasing after her and catching her up at the far side of their future bedroom. He quickly and easily recaptured the towel, looping it around the back of her shoulders and pulling it and her towards him in a swift, smooth movement. "Now what's your plan?" she teased, her palms pressed against his still naked, still water streaked chest.

"If there was a bed in here, I'd throw you down on it and make you all wet too" he said, letting out a laugh that was almost as deep and dirty as Jen's.

"I can tell you've had a drink or two" she grinned, "you've got your naughty head on." She glanced behind her at the dusty, cement floor that was still awaiting the plush carpet they'd chosen to be fitted. "And much as I absolutely love and adore you, you are not throwing me down on that, or any, floor. I'm afraid you're just going to have to wait until we get home."

"Urgh spoilsport" he said with a giggle, "in that case I'm going to get dressed while you summon TJ, and then we can finish up that wine while he gets here." It was a little over half an hour later, the rest of the wine bottle consumed from the plastic cups as they stood together watching the end of a glorious sunset through the back windows, when they heard Jen's car pull into the large parking area outside the front door, signalling the arrival of TJ and time to head back down the coast to Bel Air. After a brief stop to drop off the keys, Jen found herself being pulled across the back seat of her car and into the very insistent and welcoming arms of her man. "This is where you belong, over here with me, not sat all the way over there."

"Well, I'm not going to argue with that am I?" Jen replied with a grin, loving that for once he was obviously more affected by the wine than she was, probably because she'd purposely poured half of her drinks into his glass when he wasn't looking. She settled her head down onto the top of his shoulder and relaxed easily into his strong embrace. She had never quite been able to explain why he felt like home to her, but he did, and this position, wrapped in his arms, pressed tightly against his body, was her absolute favourite place in the world to be. She watched the world go by out of the window until it was too dark to see much more than the passing lights of opposing traffic. This was so easy and so comfortable. No words were spoken, the rhythmic hum of the car engine and the eclectic choice of music that was playing from the speakers was all the conversation they needed. It was only when she heard a gentle snore coming from his throat that she realised he was asleep, a warm smile crossing her face as she lifted her head to look at him for a few seconds, then settled back down into her happy place.

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