The One With The Missing Link

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David looked confused as he opened the first of three links she'd sent him. The next two didn't make things either any clearer or him any happier either. In fact he felt pretty aggrieved. He pressed dial without hesitation.

"Hey honey, that was quick! Did you look at them already? What do you think?" she asked as she answered within one ring.

"I think I'm confused and actually a little offended if I'm honest" he replied, his hackles still raised, which was partly down to her messages but mostly due to having had little more than an hour's sleep since their uneasy conversation ended last night. "Way to tell me you don't like my home. Thanks Jen."

"What do you mean?" she asked in surprise, quite shocked by his tone and aggression.

"What do you think I mean? Sending me links to properties for sale in completely different neighbourhoods. I'm kind of surprised at you if I'm honest. I didn't think you were like that."

"Like what?" she questioned again, still no idea why he was so pissed at her. There was a moment of silence until she suddenly realised what his issue could be. "Honey, I was looking at those for me... I wasn't for one second suggesting you sell your beautiful home if that's what you're thinking."

"Oh" came his remorseful reply as a look of confusion washed over his face once more. "Look, shall we start this again because I'm completely lost." He stopped what he'd been doing in the kitchen, tidying away the breakfast dishes which he usually did before they left for school but this morning he'd been running super late thanks to an overwhelming desire not to leave his bed when the alarm sounded. He made his way to his office, firing up his laptop as he sank down into a sturdy, square leather desk chair. "So, again from the top... hi sweetie, what did you want to show me?"

Jen giggled lightly, "that's much more like it... and a good morning to you too."

David glanced at the clock on the wall that displayed the four main US time zones and realised that it wasn't even 6am in LA yet. "You're up crazy early. You didn't sleep either I guess?" he replied.

"I'm pretty sure I've seen every minute of every hour since I spoke to you yesterday" she said with a roll of her eyes and a shake of her head. "You'd be able to tell that if you saw the state of me... in fact, hang on..." Jen pulled her cell away from her ear and tapped at the screen. A couple of seconds later their tired eyes connected. "It's always so much better when I can see you as well as hear you. It's much nicer talking to a face than a soulless screen... hi" she smiled, "you look pretty much how I feel... sorry."

"You look distinctly better than I feel" he replied, rubbing at the heavy salt and pepper stubble across his jawline. "I'm sorry for being grumpy, it's not your fault I'm tired and miserable."

"Well, it kind of is. We're both each other's reasons for being tired and miserable. But since I was awake all night anyway, I decided to use the time for good and I think I may have a plan." She half smiled at him as she spoke, fighting off a yawn and stretching out her arms, which pressed the bulging disc against a nerve and made her wince.

"Oh no, not your back again?" he asked with concern.

"I'm afraid so" she replied with a grimace, "emotional weight lifting was not a good idea."

"Urgh" he sighed, "I hope it's not too painful for you."

"I'll survive" she said stoically, "anyway, I wasn't wanting sympathy, I wanted to talk about my plan. You ready to hear it?"

"Absolutely" he replied with a grin. This woman was something special. He hoped she knew that.

"So, I think we both agree that the next two or three months are going to be difficult for us right? And at this point, there's pretty much nothing we can do about it other than ride the storm out and just have a little patience. We both want 'us'. We both want this to work, so we have to find a way. We can still chat, we can still see each other via technology. I know it's not the same but we're strong enough to get through this, I'm sure of it." She sought his approval with her eyes and he nodded his agreement.

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