The One With The Emotional Overflow

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David couldn't hold off a moment longer. He rushed towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her body tightly against his. The force of his impact making them both stumble and stagger backwards across the room. He pressed his lips hard against hers in a kiss that was half passion, half desperation. Their mouths moved together for a short time then he reluctantly pulled away, taking a step back and looking at the floor, not sure what had come over him but not at all sorry that it had. After only a few seconds Jen's lips were back, crashing against his, her arms around his neck as she pulled him in closer, her breasts pressed tightly against him. Her mouth moved so effortlessly against his own, lips beginning to open to allow for more connection and more urgency. Within moments her tongue was begging for access and he allowed it without hesitation. The low, guttural moans coming from her throat and the sensation of their movements were causing a stir in his groin that he felt powerless to fight. Her hands were in his hair now, grasping at the nape of his neck and urging him on to kiss her harder, deeper, longer as his hands wandered lower and lower down her back, his fingers teasing the material of her waistband, desperate to slide underneath and enjoy the silky-smooth skin which was tantalisingly close.

"And Cut!"

No, please not cut. They couldn't just stop like that. They wanted more. They needed more. David wrestled his mouth away, Jen's glossy lips feeling like they may as well be coated in superglue, the hold they had over his was so powerful and strong.

"Cover me" he whispered in her ear as the director made his way over to where they stood.

"What?" she muttered under her breath, before seeing his eyes dart down to his trousers and realising exactly what he needed from her.

She moved herself swiftly in front of him and allowed his arms to draw her towards his body, careful not to press against him too tightly and exacerbate the situation, but close enough that she could feel when it was safe to step away.

"Guys that was next level hot, like seriously.... wow! But I think we will go again and I am going to ask you to tone it down a notch or probably even two. Save the really fiery stuff for the bedroom scene we have planned next week if you get me? Right when everyone's ready we'll go again from your 'So there's your goodbye' line Jen."

Jen turned her eyes up to David, "You good if I move?" she asked subtly, her cupped hand covering her mouth so no one would be able to lip read what she was saying.

"All good" he replied quietly with a wink, "although if you do that again then it's highly likely you will have to do this again! Tone it down indeed! Has he any idea how tame that was compared to what it could be like?"

"Mmmmmm" Jen whispered into his ear seductively, as she drew herself away to return to her mark, "maybe we should have found time for that practice after all... got it out of our systems a little."

They did the scene again, a significantly less raunchy but still highly enjoyable version of their previous take and one that the powers that be seemed to think was entirely more fitting as the emotional ending to the episode.

David caught up with Jen backstage as the last of the audience were filing out and the team's end of night pizzas were being opened and shared.

"Thanks for that" he said into her ear, draping his arm around her shoulders as they walked across towards where the food and the crowds were gathering, "covering for me.... literally... I mean" he grinned as he added, "although I guess I really should say thank you for that too."

Jen giggled loudly as she leaned into him. "Thank you too" she replied earnestly, "honestly the rest of the night was so damned hard that my head is banging from all the tears and emotion, so thank you once again for coming to my rescue and giving me something to smile about." She paused for a short beat before adding, ".... and from what he said about next week it sounds like we may get to do it all over again in the near future so you better bring your A game Schwimmer..... get ready to sex me up!" She took a large bite of pizza, dribbling some cheese down her chin, which David casually wiped off and placed seductively into his mouth.

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