The One With Let's Talk About Sex

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A/N - thanks to "the girls" for this suggestion!!! You know who you are!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jen hit send on the message less than thirty seconds after she'd waved a final good night to the girls and closed the door behind her. It was almost 1am for her so nearly 4am for David. She was startled when her phone sprang alive, vibrating loudly in her hand almost instantly. 

"So, how did it go?"

"What are you doing awake?"

"I've been half awake all night waiting for an update. I tried to sleep but my brain was too active. So come on, tell me, what did they say. Were they surprised?"

"Uhmmmm... not exactly. I take it you are in bed?"

"Yes why? Come on Jen, just spill."

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't standing up first because this might shock you..." Jen had wandered into the kitchen as she was talking and was pouring herself a glass of water. The girls had already helped her clear and tidy everything away so she headed over to the sofa and sunk herself down. "David, they already knew."

"Well, we pretty much figured they would since I blatantly hung back to be with you that night after the reunion party."

"No, no you don't understand... they knew. They knew pretty much from the start. Let's just say we weren't as discrete as we thought we were. Court heard a lot of things she shouldn't ever have heard through her dressing room walls and...."

"Court heard what?! Holy crap Jen, she didn't hear us... you know?"

"She didn't elaborate. I don't think so but to be honest I was too shocked and too embarrassed to ask. Oh and apparently Lisa actually walked in on us mid make out session in your dressing room once, us being blissfully unaware of her presence so she went out again, knocked and waited before coming back in."

Jen began to giggle uncontrollably into the handset, which set David off on a similar path more than two and a half thousand miles away on the opposite coast, laughter and discussions which carried on for almost an hour before they finally hung up and tried to get some sleep, both fiercely processing the newfound knowledge that their two friends had not only known of, but kept their secret safe for all these years too.

David had received two calls the next day. One from Courteney, who had been very blunt in that she was completely happy for her two friends, but that she was worried Jen wouldn't handle it at all well if things didn't work out this time so could he please tread very carefully and look after her, because despite her increasingly tough outer shell, she still remained a very fragile, slightly broken girl at her core. He had promised, hand on heart, that he would treat her better than any man had ever treated her before, and that included his younger self.  Then he had been caught up in an extremely long conversation with Lisa, who he had remained close to throughout all the years and had kept him up to date with Jen's latest news, knowing he would want to know, but also knowing that for reasons he kept firmly himself, he would never dare to ask. She was actually more concerned for David's welfare, telling him to make sure he tried to find a manageable balance between his family life with Cleo and his exciting new life with Jen, without losing sight of what he wanted to do for himself at the same time.

Jen meanwhile had thrown herself back into the final week of filming, finding herself reveling in Alex's ranting monologue that felt like it could just as easily have been written about her own life and intrusive media experiences. Four more long and grueling days of filming and it was done. Season Two of The Morning Show was officially in the can. Sadly, due to all the Covid rules and regulations, there was no wrap party, there was barely even any hugging farewell and that felt wrong on every level to a group of tactile extroverts. Jen had gone home, alone, slightly relieved to be done, but equally feeling a little empty and a little 'what now' as she stepped out of her shower, wrapped herself in a fluffy white towel and flopped down onto her bed.

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