The One With All The Flashbacks

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"And cut!"

Jen moved straight over to the others in the scene, "Urgh guys I'm so sorry, I hate having to shout like that."

"Oh come on Jen, we all know you're exactly like Alex, you love being mean!" they joked in return, bringing much laughter as everyone knew that couldn't be further from the truth.

As she sat in her trailer a short time later, her phone buzzed. She picked it up and a wide smile spread across her face as she read the message. She quickly fired back a reply, still smiling as she took up her script again, checking that she knew all the lines and notes for the next scene. Within minutes her phone buzzed again, this time what she saw making her cheeks blush and her mind race. God, as much as she loved her job, and she truly, honestly still did, she couldn't wait for this working day to be over.

"Good Morning Sir, welcome aboard. If you'd like to get yourself seated and comfortable and we'll be on our way as soon as we get the go ahead."

"Thanks, but it's David, not sir. Sorry, I didn't catch your name?"

"It's Tom sir... I mean David."

David smiled and thanked him once more as he moved through her small plane, seating himself down in one of the cream leather swivel chairs. He looked around the luxury interior. 'Wow Jenny, when did our lives transform like this' he thought to himself, 'it's a very long way from where we both were when we first met.'

He could still remember as if it were yesterday watching as she walked into the room with an air of nervous excitement. She was wearing light denim jeans and a simple vest top, her wavy hair flowing freely around her face as she carried a large brown shoulder bag containing her script. He had instantly been captivated and he hoped she was the last one of the cast they were waiting for. He didn't have long to wait to find out that yes, yes, she was. As she walked over to where the five of them were sat and stood, chatting excitedly to each other and putting names to faces, he thought he had never in his life met anyone like her. It was hard to describe but she carried with her an aura. It was as if he already knew her, like they had met in a previous life and were just becoming re-acquainted, and yet he didn't even know her name. "Hi I'm Jennifer, but my friends call me Jen. Pleased to meet you" she had said, shaking his hand, her smile coming from deep within her striking blue eyes rather than just her mouth, "David, isn't it?" He had instantly noticed the smooth curve of her shoulders, something which he didn't think he had ever even looked at on a girl before, but there was something about them, and her, that just drew in him and captivated him.

"Yes, David, that's me. Pleased to meet you Jennifer" he'd replied, feeling a surge of something through his body after they had touched hands for the first time. "I'm guessing you're Rachel?"

"You guessed right, and I think I know you're Ross?" she added with a shy smile and a light giggle, "please call me Jen, I already know we're going to be friends."

If he had to give a moment, a specific time when he fell in love, that's the second he would have pinpointed. There was no rhyme or reason behind it, but something deep within his soul clicked into being with that simple sentence and he knew. He knew that unless he was very careful indeed, this girl, the girl who he had met less than one minute earlier, had the power to transform his life in every way, and that thought both scared and excited him in equal measures.

He smiled as he cast his eyes around the plane which was already flying high in the Ohio skies, suddenly getting another flashback to when they had been whisked off to Las Vegas only a month or so after they'd begun filming the show. The producers had told them to enjoy their anonymity as it would be the last time they had it and all six of them had laughed, thinking they were crazy. Looking back on it now, they could not have been more accurate in their predictions. He could still remember sitting next to her on the plane that day, her hand instinctively grabbing his arm as they taxied to the end of the runway, closing her eyes tight as fear took over her senses. He'd taken her hand in his, wrapping his other arm around her shoulders, and talked calmly and easily all the way through take off. And, by the time they'd reached altitude, he'd had her laughing and joking and barely noticing that they were tens of thousands of feet up in the air in a small winged tin can with engines. He swore his heart could have burst from his chest when they finally arrived and he realised that he had been allocated a room right next to her. In his mind he was already picturing their slow walk to the doors, him leaning in for a goodnight kiss before tumbling into his room together where he would spend the entire night exploring and getting to know her body, outside and in. Of course, that was just a fantasy in his mind. He was far too much of a gentleman and far too professional to do anything of the sort, but man, he already wanted to so badly and he'd only known her a matter of weeks.

The One Where The Lines Get Kinda BlurryWhere stories live. Discover now