The One With Chipmunk Cheeks

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David woke from his long and extremely deep sleep to a pair of sparkling blue eyes looking down at him. "Am I dreaming?" he said groggily as he fought to focus, "or is the most beautiful girl in the world lay beside me."

"No, but I am" Jen laughed softly in reply, "so you'll just have to make do with me."

"Exactly what I hoped I'd wake up to" he grinned, his eyes wandering down to her uncovered breasts. He reached out one hand and gently traced his fingers over them both, "photos don't do you or them justice." He retracted his hand, rubbing his eyes and shifting position so he was lay on his side, facing her although she was propped up on her elbow so still significantly higher than he was. "I don't remember even saying goodnight to you last night" he said. "I know you led me to bed and had your wicked way with me, but I think I might've fallen asleep within seconds of finishing. Did I?"

Jen let out a peel of laughter. "You did pretty much come then go" she giggled, recalling how he'd collapsed on top of her after their very short but sweet lovemaking session and been snoring gently less than five minutes later. "To be honest I'm surprised you stayed awake long enough to 'perform'. You must've been exhausted from all the travelling. I suggest we have a super lazy day today if that's ok with you?"

"I can't think of anything I'd love more" he replied happily, "although I can't promise I won't snooze again for a while."

"I can't promise I won't either" she smiled, "reading and sunbathing has that effect on me. Did you bring any books by the way? I've got a few if not. Reading for pleasure books I mean, not reading for a potential job or script."

"I did actually throw one in" David said, sitting upright and plumping the pillows behind his head before sinking back down into them. "It's the latest in the Lee Child, Jack Reacher series. They're very easy to get lost in for a few hours. What have you brought?"

"I've got a few" she said, her fingers absentmindedly playing with the soft hair that was sprinkled across his chest. "Reese sent me three or four from her book club but I've not started any yet. To be honest, I wasn't really in the mood for reading romance or relationship stuff when I was missing you so badly. Now I'll be glad to, in case I pick up any little tricks I might like to play with you."

"I think you have a pretty full box of tricks already" he replied, "even when I'm dog tired like last night, well actually very early this morning if we're being accurate, you have the power to get me going with one touch, or even one look."

"Are you complaining?" she asked, her cheeks lifted by the huge smile that overtook her face. "Because I didn't hear you complain last night that's for sure."

"Far from complaining, just explaining... and remembering... and enjoying..." he grinned, pulling her down towards him for a long and leisurely kiss, not one that was leading any further, just a gentle and tender declaration of love and happiness at finally being reunited. "Mmmmmm" he breathed happily some time later as they lay entangled, just lazily caressing each other's naked skin and basking in the freedom of having this bonus time. "Not that I want to move, but I'm hungry" he said into the top of her head, "do you think we can order some breakfast."

"I think you might find it's more like lunch now" she laughed in reply, "it's almost midday. But yes, let's order something and then I might go for a swim in the sea before chilling on the lounger with a book if that's ok with you?"

"You don't need my permission" he said, his tone suddenly serious, "sweetie, don't ever feel you need my approval to do anything. That's not how this works."

"I know, I guess it's just habit" she said, "I'm a people pleaser, remember."

"Well, you don't have to please me. You being you is the best way to make me happy. I love that we like some of the same things but equally some different things. You don't have to feel obligated to 'look after' me just because I'm here. Do exactly what you would've been doing had I not paid you a visit."

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