The One With Hurry And Worry

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David looked at his watch again, barely two minutes since he'd last looked at it. He wasn't going to make the damned train at this rate. He sped up even more, rushing as fast as he could without running, desperate to catch it but equally desperate not to draw too much attention to himself. The London streets were busy, bustling with people going about their business on this damp, blustery Saturday evening. His late lunch with a couple of old theatre friends had been a real joy, but it had overrun and now he was frantically trying to make it to the station on time, after first having to rush back to collect all his things from his friend's penthouse apartment where he'd stayed the night before. If he missed this last Eurostar of the day, he wouldn't be able to get to Paris until morning, which meant one less night in her arms, not something he was prepared to give up without a huge fight. He sped up even more, pulling his cap down further and his mask up higher as his fast walk turned into some kind of halfway house between a trot and a gallop. He couldn't miss it, he just couldn't.

Jen walked off set having got the take in one go. She almost immediately looked at her phone to check the time and see if he'd messaged. He hadn't but he should be well on his way by now so he probably had no signal deep down under the sea. God, she couldn't wait to see him. She'd felt like a cloud had been lifted from her shoulders these past three days as she literally counted down the hours until he was here. She'd still be busy filming for a few more hours when he arrived, but she'd left firm instructions and a very generous thank you with the hotel security, in order to ensure that he was allowed into her room with complete discretion and minimal fuss. She could barely wait to get these next couple of scenes over and done with and then she was free for two whole days where she planned to do nothing but enjoy some quality time alone with her man... in the most romantic city in the world. She couldn't stop smiling as she thought of waking up beside him, opening the drapes and lying in bed together as they gazed out over the iconic Paris skyline.

David pulled the second strap of his backpack over his shoulder as he picked up speed once again, the contents bouncing heavily against his shoulder blades and his ribs as he moved at speed through the increasingly dense crowds. His legs were aching and his lungs felt like they were on fire as he continued his mad dash towards the station, time ticking by far too fast for his liking. He had to make it, he simply had to make it. He almost bumped into a group of teenagers, locking eyes with one of them for just a second and grimacing internally as he heard his name being muttered after him. 'Fuck' he thought, 'even with the mask and the cap I still can't go unnoticed.' Nine minutes. That's how long it was until the train was due to leave the station. He was at least ten minutes away, probably more like twelve. He briefly considered flagging down a passing cab, but quickly decided that would probably take twice as long. He just had to keep going as fast as he could and hope. Hope like mad that the train was delayed and the Gods of fate were smiling on him.

Jen could barely contain her excitement as she sat in the back of the luxury black SUV, not at all dissimilar to her own car back home, being driven with care back towards the hotel. The last two scenes had taken a little longer than she'd have liked, but they hadn't run hours over schedule this time at least. She'd removed her hairpiece and make up in record time, and made herself comfortable in a pair of her favourite jeans, a thick cream sweater, long black, wool coat and of course, the purple scarf David had bought for her. David. Just thinking of him brought a huge smile to her face. She really couldn't wait to see him. Meeting Brad again only a few days ago had made her realise with even more clarity, just how much happier her life might have been if she'd made some dramatically different decisions all those years ago. David was the better man in every single way. She'd told him that on so many occasions, past and present, and he always scoffed at her. That's one of the things she loved most about him, he was so completely unaware of how good looking and talented he was, always putting himself down or under playing his skills, not a single shred of arrogance or bravura in his body. The clock had just ticked past midnight as they cruised along the Champs Elysées, rapidly closing in on their destination where her soulmate would be waiting.

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