The One With The Hard Workout

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A/N - I just wanted to say another huge thank you to everyone who has stayed with me for the duration of this story which started life as a planned 20 or so chapters and here we are over 140 later! My plan is to wrap this up in the next couple of weeks, however I want to give it a fairly open ending because if I feel like it in the future, I'd like to be able to add the odd follow up chapter here and there.  Honestly, writing this story has become my daily therapy and I will miss it and them deeply. Thank you to each and every one of you who has commented, messaged and supported me along the way. You've made this old gal very happy!  And so for now at least, let's get back to the story...


Jen opened her eyes and picked up her phone to check the time. She had no real idea why she was checking the time since she was currently 41,000 feet up in the air somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, so time was currently pretty meaningless to her. She clicked on maps however and that was of much more interest. It looked like she should be hitting land fairly soon and that meant she'd not be too far from him for a short while at least. Whilst her phone was in her hand, she tapped out a quick message, her face filling with a wide smile as she imagined the reaction it might bring. She didn't have long to wait as his reply popped up on screen only a few minutes later. 'I wish you really were about to be on top of me! That's a thought that'll keep me smiling while I'm getting ready for the school pick up x' Jen grinned widely as she replied, 'Careful you don't get too distracted by those thoughts and fall off your scooter. Wishing with all my heart I could either stop and visit you in New York or pick you up and bring you home with me. Miss you and love you so much x'

She read his second reply a few further minutes later, saying he wished that too but at least they'd be back together in just nine days, and once she was home it would be much easier for them to talk longer again. She smiled to herself. She loved his positivity and the thought of seeing him again reasonably soon filled her heart with much needed joy. Paris had taken its toll on her. The long days, the even longer nights, and the delay after delay due to bad weather, bad luck and most frustrating of all, really bad planning. But now she was on her way home, just four or five days of shooting left to do with Adam but at least that was in an LA studio so she'd be home every night. Home with her own things around her. Home with her gorgeous fur babies who she'd missed beyond belief. And home where she could sleep in her own bed, in her own time zone, and soon again in the arms of her very own man.

She retreated back behind her closed eyelids, thoughts of him filling her mind. The two days they'd had together in Paris had been memorable in so many ways. They'd sneaked out under the cover of darkness on Sunday evening and taken a moonlight walk along the streets, ending up, of course, at the Eiffel Tower, where they'd found a quick opportunity for a maskless selfie and a short but most enjoyable kiss hidden in the shadows of the tower of romance. It had also been Paris fashion week whilst Jen had been in town, and she'd taken the opportunity to have several things delivered to her suite, along with a significant number of gifted items that she was always grateful to receive. In amongst the items she'd bought were some very skimpy, very sexy and very appealing to David underwear sets. She had revealed one of them to him shortly after arriving back in her room following their walk and his eyes had almost popped out of his head as he saw the open weave lace that just about held her in place but left little to his imagination. She had performed what can only be described as a sex dance for him, and as she'd landed in his lap and he'd been made acutely aware that the panties were even skimpier than he'd first realised, he had wasted absolutely no time at all in making full use of the carefully placed hole in the material that seemed to have been created entirely with accommodating him in mind. She felt a flicker of desire deep in her core as she recalled just how turned on he'd been and how much pleasure they'd both found that night. God he was so good at making her feel incredible. He always had been. Sex with him had never been a chore. It had never been something she felt she ought to do or ought to enjoy. She was crazy for him and crazy for his touch and if anything, time had taught them both how to get even more pleasure out of each other's bodies. Granted, the distance between them now probably made their hunger for each other all the more evident when they did get chance to be together, but she honestly believed that even if they were living together, they would still be a very sexual and needy couple and that thought kept her smiling for the rest of the long flight home.

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