The One Where The Line Gets Crossed

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"So, this is the guest room. Sorry it's a bit untidy...." Jen had said as she collected a few piles of clothes off the bed that hadn't made it back into her closet yet, and placed them on top of a wooden dresser. "Do you want anything, a drink..... of water I mean, or anything else before....." she stuttered as she caught his eye, shocked by the rush she felt as he stood watching her every move. Why did she have to feel like this about him? The one person she wanted more than she had ever wanted anyone ever and he was off limits.

"I think I'm all set" David had replied with a nervous smile. This was dangerous territory and they both knew it. The air was filled with the unmistakable energy of attraction and lust and it was taking him every shred of his self-control not to take her in his arms and do things with her that had been filling his dreams for months.

"Okay, well I guess I'll see you in the morning then...."

There was a sense of déjà vu as they both stood, face to face, a little too close, neither wanting to really say goodnight. This time though they did give in to temptation. Within seconds the gap between them had been closed and their lips had connected with an intensity that electrified them.

Jen's hands were in his hair, his arms around her waist, tongues swirling and exploring each other with a need that was growing more urgent by the second.

It was David who pulled away, fighting an internal battle between what his professional head was telling him not to do and what every fibre of his heart was telling him he needed.

"We really shouldn't be doing this" he breathed, trying to convince himself he should stop.

"No I know, you're right......" she sighed, the sadness evident in her voice.

"Maybe I should go home and just come by and pick you up in the morning?"

"No please, don't go. I don't want you to go. Surely we can figure this out somehow?"

"How? How can we figure this out? They said we shouldn't hook up together but all I want to do every time I'm with you is hold you and kiss you and do all the things I've been dreaming of with you." David's voice was cracking as he spoke, clearly emotional as the internal battle between head and heart continued to rage inside.

"Do we have to tell anyone?" she voiced quietly, not wanting to give up the man who was cradling her so lovingly in his arms.

"What do you mean? Like keep it a secret?"

"Well if that's what it takes for now at least then yeah, maybe.... Oh but I don't know if I could do that. But I don't think I can be around you all the time and not know that we at least tried to make it work either. Urgh, why did I have to fall for you when they told us not to let it happen?" It was Jen's turn to be emotional now, tears in her eyes as she tried to think of a way they could be together without ruining the best job they'd ever had.

"You've fallen for me?"

"I tried not to...... I swear I tried, but yes, I have fallen for you. I've fallen for you pretty hard."  The tears in Jen's eyes had started to spill onto her cheeks now and David gently brought his hand up to wipe them away.

"I have too..... fallen for you I mean.  In fact, I think I fell for you before the end of the first day we met." David brushed away another tear from her cheek and pushed the hair from her face before wrapping his arms tightly around her waist and pulling her tightly into his body.  This was a mixture of heaven and emotional hell for both of them.

"Sleep with me tonight" she said, her voice barely more than a whisper. "The rest we can work out tomorrow, but please, please can we have tonight?" Her bright blue eyes were staring deep into his brown ones now, and they could see the inner turmoil and desire reflected in each other.

Jen removed herself from his embrace and held out her hand, the question still rotating in the air like a coin that had been tossed up, neither of them entirely sure which side it was going to land on.  After what seemed like an eternity David took her hand and nodded. Hearts won. Heads had been defeated.

He followed her through the doorway into her bedroom as she pulled him closer to her and met his lips with a deep, intense, loving kiss.  This was more than a brief passionate hook up; this was a carnal need.  This was undeniable.  This was destiny.

As they lay down on the bed in just their underwear, the rest of their clothes having been discarded onto the floor already, they both paused, taking a moment to enjoy the excitement and adoration in the eyes of each other.  The next kiss was deeper and slower, their tongues exploring and dancing together. His lips travelled down to her neck where he soon found points that made her breath rate increase and her head fall back in pleasure.  Her hands were exploring every part of his back and his strong, broad, capable shoulders.  He made her feel so alive and so safe at the same time.  Now his hands had worked their way up to her breasts, squeezing and caressing them, seeking permission before removing her bra and burying his face in her chest, delighting in the way her body was responding to his every touch.  Her hands had worked their way down his back and beyond, pulling him closer to her as she revelled in the touch of his skin against hers.  Their hips were rolling together, the intensity building as they both continued their exploration of each other's bodies.  Jen could feel David's arousal grow even more as she slid her hand down between them and eagerly removed her last piece of underwear as he knelt up and did the same.

"Are you absolutely sure about this?" he asked tenderly.

"I am so sure" she replied as she wrapped her arms behind his neck and pulled him into another lengthy kiss, before pushing him back onto the bed and straddling him.  She traced a line of kisses down his jaw, to his chest then all the way to the top of his pubic bone before locking eyes with him briefly and throwing him a suggestive smile as she let her lips wander further down, teasing his tip before opening her mouth to allow him access.  She worked her magic for a few minutes before he begged her to stop, not wanting this to be the end already. She kissed her way back up to his mouth briefly before he flipped them both over so that she was now underneath him.  It was his turn to place a trail of kisses all the way down to her centre now, his skilled tongue making her writhe as his hands enjoyed her breasts, hers tangled in his hair encouraging him as he made her feel things she had never experienced before.  He could sense she needed even more from him as his lips once again found their way back to hers, his hands caressing anywhere he could touch, wanting to know every part of her.  She pulled her lips away and reached over to the nightstand next to her bed, opening the top drawer and retrieving a condom which he gladly took from her.

"Still sure?" he breathed, wanting to give her every opportunity to back out.

"I need you" came her instant nodded reply, "please, I need you."

Only a few seconds after David had rolled on the protection, he felt Jen's hands guiding him to where she wanted him the most.  As she wrapped her legs tightly around him she looked deep into his eyes as they became one for the first time.  They moved together instinctively, enjoying the new sensations that somehow felt familiar at the same time. It felt so right it couldn't be wrong.  Their bodies were so in tune, they seemed to instantly know just how to move and touch and enjoy each other to feel pleasure beyond anything they had ever felt before.  Their movements increased in speed and depth as they began to build together.  Neither wanted this to end but they could both tell they were close to the edge.  As their rhythm intensified even more, Jen was the first to fall, her body pulsing with an overwhelming sensation of satisfaction, David following closely behind as he trembled with sweet release.

They stayed collapsed in each other's arms for several moments, their breathing slowly returning to normal and heart rates slowing back down once more, their hands gently caressing each other as they tried to process what had just happened.  After a few more minutes of intimate silence, Jen was the one who spoke first.

"I know we need to talk about this but can we not, can we just enjoy this night without questions and responsibilities, please?"

David placed a finger under her chin and lifted her head up towards him, leaning in for a tender kiss before replying, "I've dreamed of sleeping with you in my arms, and that's exactly what I plan to do tonight."

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