The One Where It's Never Off The Table

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"Ok guys, it's getting late so let's see if we can get this in one.  So, we'll take it from the top.......... cue music..... And Action!"

Jen took hold of David's arm as they paraded down the makeshift, snowy aisle together.  He looked especially dashing in his smart wedding suit and she loved what they had done to her hair today, soft, bouncy waves that highlighted her face beautifully.  She had caught him shooting sideways glances at her all through the evening and could tell that he appreciated her attire too by the sparkle in his eyes as they respectfully ran up and down her curves.  As they parted company, her making her way to one side of the wedding scene and him, along with the cute and surprisingly well-behaved little dog, over to the other side, they hit their marks and stood, staring across at each other and sharing secret little smiles.  As Joey began to officiate the marriage of Phoebe and Mike, Jen couldn't help but wonder what the future had in store for her.  She was still completely torn about how to handle the tricky love triangle she found herself in, but as her eyes met with David's once more, when the newlywedded screen couple shared a loving kiss, she felt magnetically drawn to him.  He really was like a drug to her and she was happily addicted, regardless of how inappropriate that was, and seeing him standing there cradling the dog like a baby had set her heart racing even more.

As they headed backstage, having taken their final bows, the six of them gathered along with regular guest star and Jen's long-time pal, Paul Rudd, discussing how well the show had gone tonight and how funny it felt that all their characters were beginning the process of moving on and growing up.  Paul mentioned in passing that he was surprised Ross and Rachel weren't back together yet as surely that had to happen before the end of the show.

"That's what we are all wondering too" replied Jen, "but no one seems to know the answer yet.  We just keep being told that they would like to get them together but if they can't do it without it being too cheesy, then they will just leave it open ended for the audience to decide what happens with them." She looked over at David who was stood a couple of feet away from her, next to Lisa and Matt, and added "but I am sure they will get their happy ending somehow.  I think they deserve that after all this time."

David responded with his tight half smile, looking right at her as he replied, "I know we will do everything we can to make sure the ending is a good one."

Maybe the powers that be had overheard that discussion, or maybe it was total coincidence, however the following Monday morning they were handed the script for this week's episode which contained a significant gear shift in the relationship between Rachel and Ross.  The premise was that Rachel's father would suffer a heart attack leading to Ross accompanying her to his bedside and offering his support and a shoulder to cry on. 

There was a break for coffee after the first table read of the full script and Jen followed David to his dressing room, inviting herself in and pushing the door to behind her.  "I swear these walls have ears" she laughed, waving the script in David's direction and gesturing grandly around the room, as he poured them both a coffee and sat himself down on his dark leather couch, scooching over to one side as she accepted his silent invitation to join him. "I mean, we could have written half this dialogue from our own conversations" she carried on, "talk about life imitating art."

"Or art imitating life in this case I guess" David smiled before adding cheekily and with a little hesitation, "only Ross has much more self-control than me..... I am pretty sure I could not have turned you down so easily."

Jen felt her cheeks flush as he looked at her with those irresistible eyes.  "I'm pretty sure I would have found a way to change your mind even if you had..." she flirted back at him, enjoying the look on his face as he contemplated just what tricks she might turn in order to convince him.

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