The One With No Plane, No Gain

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"I am going to miss you so much" Jen sighed sadly into his chest as they stood hugging tightly in her large entrance hallway.

"I know, I'm going to miss you too" he replied, his voice heavy with melancholy as he breathed in the scent of her hair, trying to commit it to memory until the next time they could be together. "I'll call you later ok, once Cleo is asleep, that's if you want me to? It might be quite late and you didn't get much sleep last night....."

"I'll look forward to that" she replied with a soft smile which turned into a cheekier one as she joked, ".... and I got more sleep than you did", lifting her head up for another emotional kiss which ended as they heard the distant sound of the gate opening and a vehicle pulling into the driveway. "TJ's here for you."

David bent down and retrieved his rucksack from the floor beside him, swinging it over one shoulder as he pulled her back into his arms for one last kiss. "It's not goodbye, it's just see you later, ok?" he breathed as he sensed the emotions bubbling up inside her. "I'll be back before you know it."

They had talked briefly about how and when he was going to return to LA, not all too easy under the current circumstances since Jen especially was very insistent on adhering to all the strict Covid protocols, not wishing to put any of her Morning Show cast or crew in the way of harm if she could possibly help it. But then she'd had an idea, an idea which they both thought might actually work pretty well for both of them. They could use her plane. Her private jet which had been sat pretty much unused on the tarmac for the past year. She could let him use that whenever he wanted to. That way he was not exposed to loads of people, therefore loads of germs, and the same with her if she bit the bullet and went to visit New York. And it would also mean they could keep this new development in their relationship on the down low until they were ready to share.

She actually felt physical pain in her heart as she closed the door behind her, having watched until the gate had closed, and he was really gone. She had done it. She had fallen for again him hook, line and sinker and it was wonderful, but it was, as always with them it seemed, going to be a little complicated. This time around not by other people's orders or their own, now looking back on them, silly rules, but by distance and family. It was these thoughts, as well as many much happier ones, that kept her mind occupied as she took the dogs for a long walk around her sprawling gardens.

"Daddy, what are the plans for the rest of the day?" Cleo asked as they arrived back at the hotel shortly after 5.00pm, courtesy of TJ who Jen had instructed to be at David's beck and call for the rest of his time in LA.

"I hadn't really made any plans sweetheart, I thought we'd just eat dinner in the room and have an early night since I'm pretty tired, you know, from all the filming, and we have to be at the airport early. Why? What were you thinking?"

"Can we go and see Jen?"

"Jen? Uhhhmmm I don't know. Why?"

"Well one, because she's awesome; and two, she said last night that you should take me to her house and she'd introduce me to her dogs next time I'm in LA, but with the pandemic who knows when that will be, so I just figured while we're still here.... please?"

"I'm not sure Cleo, I mean I don't know if she has plans or if she's working or....."

"You could at least ask her?"

"I guess there's no harm in giving her a call and seeing if she's up for an impromptu visit."

"You're the best dad in the world!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around his waist, and hugging him tightly. "Come on, do it! Do it now!"

Jen had just finished running herself a deep, hot bubble bath as she heard her iPhone spring into life with an incoming call. She paced across the room to see who it was and was more than a little surprised to see David's name on the screen.

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