The One With The Warning

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After watching the sun rise high into the sky and sharing several more intense kisses, Jen & David had reluctantly made their way back to their hotel rooms where they had packed up their things ready to fly home later that morning, but not before arranging to meet up in private after work the next day.

The six friends arrived at the studios a little after 11am on Monday morning ready for the first table read of this week's script.  The 3 producers and Jimmy Burrows, the director, were sat around the table with them alongside the team of writers, ready to make changes to the script as they worked through what worked and what needed adjusting.

"So guys, I hope Vegas treated you kindly and you had an awesome time?" Jimmy's voice rose high above all the chatter, not waiting for a response before adding "And I hope you all slept in your own beds! No monkey business, ok?  This show is going to make stars of all six of you, and we don't want any lovers' tiffs getting in the way of what we believe is going to be a huge success, so stay friendly, become family, but please no off-screen hook ups.  Let's save those for the audience hey!  Right, first read through, let's go."

Jen felt her cheeks fire up as she stared intently at the table, not daring to raise her head.  David felt a similar blush on his face as he picked up the script in front of him and pretended to study the written words although it may as well have been written in hieroglyphics for all he took in. 

Neither of them was entirely sure how they made it through the day unscathed but somehow, they did.  David was waiting at Jen's car in the parking lot as she made her way towards it.

"Listen, I know we said we'd meet up tonight but....." he started.

"I get it, you don't want to anymore" she interrupted, her voice heavy with disappointment.

"No actually, I was going to say we need to go someplace we won't be seen, but maybe you're right, maybe we shouldn't.  I do think we need to talk though, about today and Vegas and what we do from here.

"Sorry" she said in a voice barely more than a whisper, "I just assumed you were going to walk away and never mention it again after that......" she gestured back towards the Stage building.

"Hey" he replied gently, taking her hand in his, "One, I'd never treat a girl like that; and two, if I am going to spend every day around you, I need to know where we both stand and how we handle this, because all I could think of all day is that you are the most special person I have ever met and I don't want to mess any of this up."

Jen's eyes were suddenly brimming with tears at his words.  She had never felt such an instant connection with a guy before and she was a complete mixture of emotions as he stood here in front of her, saying all these wonderful things but knowing that she had to be so careful not let her heart run off with her head.

"Listen" she said, a plan forming in her mind, "Follow me, I know a gorgeous spot where we can go and talk and not be seen by anyone we know."

Less than 20 minutes later, they arrived at a magical hidden viewpoint, high on a winding hillside, looking out over the city and towards the distant coast.  They parked their cars and got out, sitting side by side on the barrier and taking in the spectacular scenery below.  Neither of them spoke for a few moments, not really knowing how or where to begin.  Jen suddenly and instinctively turned to face David and placed her lips firmly on his, feeling a mixture of relief and excitement as she felt him return the kiss, both their mouths opening slightly as they deepened the connection.  As suddenly as she had started it, Jen pulled away.

"I'm sorry" she said "I shouldn't have done that, but if we are never going to be allowed to do it again, I had to have just one more kiss with you."

David placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her tightly into him, his nose briefly smelling her hair as he tried to figure out what to do for the best.

"Urgh this is so difficult" he sighed.  "I get what Jimmy was saying earlier and I don't want to jeopardise anything for any one of us, but man, I also want to take you out on a proper date too and get to know you even better." He turned to look deep into her bright blue eyes that were filled with the same sadness and confusion as his own. "And I want to be able to kiss you again...... and again.......... and again........."

Before they were totally aware of what was happening their lips had crashed together once more in a kiss that was deep, intense and filled with an air of desperation, their arms wrapped tightly around each other, grasping onto the tiny shred of hope that they could work this out.

As they finally tore themselves apart, Jen wiped a tear from her cheek as she whispered "I don't want to give the possibility of us up, but I need this job and if the only way I get to see you every day is at work, then it's better than not having you at all."

David held onto her tightly, surprised that he felt tears pricking his eyes too.  How could he feel so much for someone he had met barely 6 weeks ago.  This was crazy.

"Listen, how about we take a step back for a minute" he said thoughtfully, "I don't want anything to get in the way of something as special as this show feels like it could be, but I am not so unprofessional that I can't separate my work and my personal life either.  So maybe we play by the rules for a while, let them get to know us better as people and see how professional we can be, and then if we decide to spend a little time together outside of work then maybe by then it won't be such a big deal?"

"I like that idea" she smiled, "I like that a lot. I know we haven't known each other more than a few weeks but it feels like we have a real connection and I would hate to close the door on something that could be pretty special without at least giving it a try."

Jen leaned her head onto David's shoulder as they watched the sun dip down over the horizon in front of them, leaving the sky aglow with a myriad of red and golden hues, David watching Jen more than he did the sunset.  They shared one more emotional kiss before driving their separate ways home, both hopeful that they would find a way to make this work, maybe not just yet, but at some  in the near future.

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