The One Where They Put A Ring On It

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A/N - sorry, another chapter not to read at work!! 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶

David peeped into his daughter's room as they headed up to bed a little more than an hour after she had done. He nodded and smiled at Jen as he saw her short dark hair pressed against the pillow, her eyes tightly shut and her arm curled protectively around the teddy bear she'd had since she was a baby and would have killed anyone who dared to tell her friends at school that she still slept with. "She's out like a light" he whispered as he took Jen's hand and led her up the second flight of stairs to his bedroom suite. They were both feeling quite lightheaded and giggly from their four glasses of wine and as they stood together in the bathroom, cleaning their teeth and eyeing each other up in the mirror, neither of them could stop themselves from laughing, although they weren't entirely sure why foaming toothpaste was suddenly so amusing.

"Let me do that" David said as they made their way into the bedroom and Jen began to peel off her sweater, "I told you, I want to unwrap the best possible gift I could ever have been given." He stood behind her and lifted the top up and over her head, throwing it onto a nearby chair, brushing her hair aside and nibbling at the side of her neck.

Jen leaned her head back to give him better access. "Mmmmm you can do that for as long as you like" she said contentedly, one hand lifting up behind her to cup his cheek as his arm sneaked around her waist, pulling her closer into his body. Jen's other hand settled on top of the arm across her stomach, gripping it in place as their hips began to sway together slightly as he continued to suck and kiss at her neck. It didn't take long for his lips to travel further across to her cheek, pulling her around in his arms so that their mouths could meet. "You taste all minty" she laughed against his lips, her hands now travelling his back and down to his ass, hooking her thumbs into the rear pockets of his jeans as she cupped his other cheeks.

"So do you" he grinned, pulling his head back for a moment to admire the woman who he held in his arms, "mint and wine."

Jen dived in for another brief kiss, her tongue instantly in his mouth. "Hmmm yes I can taste the wine too" she giggled, "and I can definitely feel it in my head." She pulled hard at the rear of his jeans. "I need to get these off you before I let you have your final gift."

"You're the only gift I want and need" he replied, impatiently fiddling with the clasp of her bra behind her back, frustrated when it didn't unhook as easily as he'd hoped, leaving her to undo it and set her breasts free.

"Oh don't you worry, I'm part of the deal" she said with a flash of her eyes, her fingers deftly working on the front of his pants, before tugging them down to his knees, his boxers being held in place by his already half mast member. She left him to discard his jeans as she unzipped her own and persuaded them down her slender legs, her lace panties shimmying down at the same time leaving her completely naked before him. As he kicked his legs free from the dark, stiff denim and his now unhooked trunks, he was left wearing just his T-Shirt which she quickly pulled up and over his head, dropping it in the growing pile of clothes on the floor. "That's better" she breathed as she pressed her body tightly against his, wrapped her arms around his neck and joined their lips together once again, pressing her flat stomach against his rapidly growing arousal as their tongues danced a very familiar dance.

David didn't allow them to stand for long before he encouraged her across the room and pulled her down onto the bed with him, falling so they lay sideways together, Jen's leg hooking over his own as they continued to kiss and explore each other's bodies with growing insistence and need, hands groping and grasping and caressing. Jen could feel just how much David was desperate for her touch at his core. He was pressing hard against her thigh and as she tore her lips and body away without paying it any attention, she heard a small sigh of frustration escape from his throat. She rolled over to her side of the bed and opened a drawer in the bedside unit where she'd unpacked a variety of personal items, including glasses, the book she was reading and a small, gift-wrapped box which she picked up before closing the drawer and wriggling back over the sheets to where David was lay watching her. "You can open this now" she grinned, "I think you're ready." She glanced down between them to where he was pointing rigidly up at her. "In fact, I think you're more than ready" she continued, giving him a gentle, full length stroke, which sent a further rush of blood coursing to his groin. 

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