The One With Bonus Week

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As Jen stepped off the plane and into the waiting car, she couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement in her stomach. She was the last of the five London bound Friends to head over the Atlantic as she had been tied up shooting scenes back at Stage 24 alongside Lisa.  But now here she was, in a surprisingly sunny if freezing cold UK, about to join her cast mates for a week of filming, promo work and hopefully, some flirty fun with David.

David. She couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face as she thought of all the things she wanted to do with him during the week ahead.  Was it wise?  No.  Did she fear making things more complicated and having her heart break again afterwards? Yes of course.  Was it going to stop her enjoying whatever time she could together with him this week? Hell no.

Her cell phone pinged with a message a few seconds after she had switched it back on and it had found a signal.  'We're at the wedding set. Can't wait to see you. I'm in room 930. D x' She held the phone to her heart, her smile getting even wider, as the car navigated through the busy London traffic towards the hotel.  "Welcome Miss Aniston, so glad to have you staying here with us. You are in room 934. Here is your room card.  Anything you need, just dial 100 for reception and we will be delighted to assist you. I hope you enjoy your stay.  And if it's not too impolite, I have to say I am a huge fan of the show.  You and Ross are made for each other."

Jen still wore the smile as she reached her room, well suite actually. She looked around as she entered, thinking just how far they had come since that trip to London a few years back where she had been in a tiny little room and no one knew her name.  And now here she was, being put up in a luxury suite with views out over the iconic skyline and her face being recognised almost everywhere she went. Life had definitely changed. Mostly for the better.  Her bank account was certainly much healthier than she could ever have imagined, and she was afforded a lot of little luxuries like designer clothes, VIP experiences and gifted accessories.  But she couldn't help but pine just a touch for those simpler times, where she could walk to the store and not be stopped for an autograph, or followed by photographers.  That was definitely the side to this job that she enjoyed the least.

Jen didn't have any scenes to film today, so she took the opportunity to take a long, hot bath to wash off the flight and try to ease the jet lag.  As she was finishing off towel drying her hair, she heard her phone beep again, signaling another incoming message. 'Just finishing up now.  All meeting in hotel bar at 9pm.  See you there. D x' 

By 8.50pm Jen was ready and heading down to the bar.  She opened her door to leave at the same time as David exited his room, just a few short metres away.  "Hey you!" she exclaimed, as he pulled her into a warm hug, kissing her hair and grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey you!" he replied, "I can't believe they put you so close to me. What are the chances?"

"What are the chances indeed" Jen giggled as she linked arms with him and set out down the corridor.  They hadn't gone more than ten steps when Courteney suddenly appeared from another doorway, squealing as she saw her friend had finally arrived and grabbing her for a tight hug.  Before long they were all seated in the hotel restaurant, having collected the two Matts along the way as well, and were deciding what to order from the extensive menu.

"I can highly recommend the chef's special today, a pea risotto with pan fried scallops" said the waiter, his upper crust British accent jarring slightly with his cheeky boy like face.

"Oh, that sounds good, I'll have that please" decided Jen, swiftly followed by both David and Courteney.  The two Matts both chose steak, and they ordered a selection of beers and wines to be brought to the table too.

They spent the next couple of hours laughing and joking, discussing the filming that had already been done, Jen filling them in on what she and Lisa had been up to in the few days since they all left, and generally just enjoying each other's company.  Jen, who was sat next to David of course, took great delight in the closeness they were able to share, her hand spending the vast majority of the evening either on his leg under the table or playfully connected with his fingers, whilst his arm was frequently draped around her shoulders. They were their usual flirty, giggly, teasing selves and they were not sad when one by one the others decided to head up to bed until they were the only ones left.

David downed the last of his pint of real ale, placing the glass firmly down on the table and using his now free hand to cover Jen's.  "I think I am going to go up to my room now too" he said, his eyes communicating a whole lot more than his words did.

"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea" Jen grinned at him, her cheeks flushing at the suggestiveness in his gaze.  "Mind if I join you?" she added in a whisper.

"I'd be sorry if you didn't" he breathed into her neck as he stood up, holding out his hand to take hers and pulling her up off her seat.  They made their way out of the dining room, making sure to separate as they reached the lobby and waited for the elevator to take them up to their floor.  Arriving outside the door to David's room, he winked at her.  "Your place or mine?" he asked, opening the door to his room as she checked all around before following him inside.

They had been in the room barely seconds when their lips connected in a kiss so powerful that it took their breath away. Stumbling across the room, clothes being discarded as they moved, this was urgent and needy.  They had been apart for so long that there didn't seem to be any time for soft caresses and gentle foreplay.  This called for desperate touches and instant gratification.  By the time they reached David's bed they were both already highly aroused and semi naked.  Jen pushed David down onto the soft, springy mattress, falling on top of him as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing every inch of her tiny body against his.  It didn't take long before the last of their clothing had been removed and they were finally together again as one.  Their bodies finding huge delight and release in the sweet connection that they had both been missing and craving for so long.

Still breathing heavily from the speed and power of their love making, they collapsed into each other's arms, holding onto each other so tightly and wishing they never had to let go again.  They had fallen into a deep, restful sleep together, David setting an alarm for 2 hours before they were due to be at breakfast in order to give Jen enough time to slip back into her own room unseen....... and maybe also a little morning loving if they were lucky.

Of course, they absolutely made sure that they had time for some far more gentle, loving morning sex before Jen peeled herself away and ghosted down the corridor to her own room, just about having time for a quick shower before Court had tapped on her door to check if she was ready.

This pattern continued for the rest of the time they were in London, the days and often evenings spent filming, the nights spent wrapped up in each other's arms, in each other's beds and in each other's hearts.  Their connection had definitely not lessened in the time they had forced themselves apart.  In fact, if anything, it had deepened. And knowing that they were on borrowed time made them even more attentive to the wants and needs of each other, their love making surpassing anything that had gone before it.  It was tender, it was needy, it was hot, it was passionate and above all else, it was fueled by deep, emotional and incomparable love.

All too soon, their time in the UK was coming to an end.  They had filmed their final scenes, given countless interviews, taken part in a number of promotional appearances and videos, and now they were all packing up and getting ready to leave for their red eye flight back to the US.  Jen was zipping up her case as she heard a tap on her door.  She made her way over and peered through the peephole to see David stood on the other side.  "Hey" she smiled as she opened up to let him in.

"Look, before we head out, I just need to say something to you" David begun, crossing the room and perching on the back of the sofa, obviously desperate to get whatever was on his mind, off it. "I know when we get back home things have to go back to how they were, and I know why, and I know we will find it difficult but somehow, we will survive again.  But I also need you to know just how much you mean to me ok.  This week has been incredible.  You are incredible.  And I don't just mean the sex, although you still blow my mind every time.  But it's so much more than that.  I don't think I could ever connect with someone the same way as I do with you, and I just need you to know that I love you, I appreciate you, and whatever happens in the future, I will always hold you in my heart because you are the one for me, now and forever."

Jen looked at him in a stunned silence, her eyes pricking with tears the way they frequently did when she was overcome with emotion.  There was no way she could find better words to sum up how much she felt for him, everything he had said was echoed in her heart.  She moved effortlessly over to where he leaned and wrapped her arms behind his neck, gazing deep into his eyes as she replied in the only way she knew how.  Her lips met his with such tenderness and love, pouring all her feelings into him and drinking in his response.  Pulling away she moved her head far enough to be able to look so deep into his eyes that she felt she could see his soul.  "I love you too, I love you with all my heart.  Thank you for everything."

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