The One With Intimate Honesty

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David buckled himself in and held out the seatbelt wide so that Jen could duck under it and sit herself as close to him as possible. It was something he had already become accustomed to and grown to love, both the physical proximity of her being almost sat on his lap, and the emotional closeness they seemed to feel whenever they were travelling together in this way. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the darkness of the vehicle and the almost hypnotic motion as the wheels guided them to their destination. Maybe it was the undetectable yet almost overwhelming scent of pheromones and the knowledge that they would more than likely lead to love being made when they reached home. Or maybe it was a mixture of all of the above. Whatever, why-ever, however... it didn't really matter, they both felt it and they both delighted in it.

"So, you're not mad at me for lying to you?" David asked as TJ pulled the car away from the drive and set out on the journey back to Jen's, the soft tones of Brandi Carlisle playing in the background so they felt able to talk in somewhat privacy.

"You didn't lie to me, you wanted to surprise me which is entirely different and completely and utterly wonderful" Jen said with a warm, wide smile. "I still can't believe you're actually here. Last night I was dreaming of being in your arms again and less than twenty-four hours later, I actually am." She was still looking up at him and shaking her head in disbelief when David's lips ducked down to find hers in a kiss that left her breathless and already wanting more.

"God, I've missed you" she murmured as they forced themselves apart, "I've missed you so much."

"I know, I've missed you too" he replied, "more than I thought possible actually, and I don't mean this in a horrible way, but I'd got used to living without you in my life and now suddenly I don't want to imagine ever being without you again."

"No, I know what you mean. I can barely remember back to the time before we reconnected where it wasn't you I wanted to share my news with first, or to be the last person I speak with before I fall asleep." She placed her hand tenderly against his cheek, her eyes locked into his despite the heavy darkness of the night. "I meant every single word of what I said to the girls earlier about you. You are the very best I've ever had in every possible way."

David tilted his head into her palm, enjoying the feeling of her smooth skin rubbing against his stubble laden cheek. "I have to tell you, when I was hidden away listening and waiting behind that pantry door, I was a little worried you might give away some of our... more intimate secrets shall we call them, but what you said was just..." It was David's turn to struggle to know what to say, something which didn't happen at all often, "... you brought a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat because you managed to put into words everything that I feel about you too, but in a much more emotional and heartfelt way than I ever could have done." He reached up and took hold of the hand that had been gently caressing his cheek and was now resting lightly again his upper chest, interlocking their fingers through each other before bringing it to his lips and kissing each knuckle gently. "I love you" he said softly, pressing their entwined hands together over his heart. He dipped his head towards her at the same time as she reached up towards him too, their lips meeting somewhere in the middle where they spent the next few minutes locked together enjoying slow, intimate, love filled kisses, before they drew apart, Jen resting her head down onto David's collarbone, his arm protectively around her shoulders as they allowed their hands to wander gently and intimately over each other's bodies in a communication of total love rather than purely physical need.

It was just shy of 2am when they found themselves stood, alone at last, in Jen's welcoming kitchen area, having ridded themselves of shoes and jackets already. David carried his small overnight bag in one hand, and Jen's hand was gripped tightly in his other. "I just need to see to the dogs before we can go to bed" she said, "assuming you want to go straight to bed of course?"

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