The One With The Secret Pact

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They had slept soundly together, bodies entwined and enjoying the closeness and connection they found in each other's arms. However, all too soon the shrill screech of the alarm had interrupted their dreams and brought them crashing back to reality. A reality in which they had some big decisions to make.

Their drive to work had been a little subdued, both of them desperately trying to hang onto the remnants of last night's encounter but knowing that they were walking a pathway filled with danger and obstruction. David had pulled into the car park of their favourite coffee shops where one of them frequently stopped to pick up their drinks on the way to set. He killed the engine and turned to face Jen, whose eyes were filled with a million questions, questions he wished he had all the answers to. He took both of her hands gently in his as he spoke.

"Look, before we get to work I need to say this to you. Last night was incredible. It was, you were, everything I had dreamed but a whole lot better than I could have possibly imagined. I don't know if you want to make this work, but I know that if you do, and for the record I do, then we will find a way. If we have to hide it, then we will hide it because being with you in secret is infinitely better than not being with you."

Jen felt her eyes brimming with tears once more. This sweet, incredible, gorgeous man had captured her heart and she wished she could shout it from the rooftops just how much he had come to mean to her in such a short space of time. She already knew she wanted a forever with him.

"Ok" she breathed, words failing her as she gazed into the eyes that fed directly to his soul.


"Ok" she nodded once more, "I want to be with you too, I want to be with you so much, and if it has to be a secret then it's a secret I am more than willing to keep."

She leaned in to place a gentle kiss on his lips, quickly pulling away as they were only a few blocks from work. But with that kiss their pact been sealed and the secrecy begun here and now.

Jen had gone in to get their coffees whilst David had grabbed an old gym sweater from the trunk of his car and thrown it on over his shirt hoping that no one would notice he was wearing yesterday's clothes. At least it was filming day so he would soon be changing into something from Ross's wardrobe. He did however make a mental note to stash a rucksack in his car with a change of clothes and an overnight kit, just in case he thought to himself, just in case........

No one had been around to see them arriving at the parking lot together, although as Jen had rightfully said, her car was genuinely broken down and he was simply a kind colleague giving her a lift to work, until he had reminded her that both Courteney and Lisa lived significantly closer to her than he did so she would have been much more likely to ask one of them to help her out.

The episode they were filming today was The One With All The Poker and featured some sweet Ross and Rachel moments, well Ross swooning over Rachel moments at least. David certainly did not have to dig too deep to understand what his character was going through as his eyes followed her every move, yearning to take her into his arms again and get lost in her beautiful eyes for a while.

"Penny for them....."

"What? Sorry I was miles away then, what did you say?" David was brought out of his daydream by Matt who had been stood watching his co-star for quite a few minutes.

"I said 'Penny for your thoughts'" grinned LeBlanc, "although it doesn't take a genius to guess where your mind is at! She's looking pretty hot huh?" He gestured towards Jen as he spoke.

David hit him playfully in the chest, choosing not to respond to the teasing, but making a mental note to try and hide his admiration a little more in the future. "I was just thinking how damn lucky we are" he said earnestly, "this show is better than any of us could possibly have hoped for and I just feel so grateful that you guys are all so good, and funny and the fact that we all get on so well is the proverbial icing on the cake." He caught Matt giving him the side eye...... "Yeah and it helps that the girls are pretty hot too!" he added with a wide smile.

Taping of the show had gone smoothly that evening and it was not long after midnight that everyone was starting to make their way home. Jen's Mercedes had been towed away for repairs and a rental car dropped off in its place, next to which she now stood, keys in hand, chatting to Courteney and David about some of the funny moments that had happened tonight and what their plans were for the weekend.

"I'm seeing all the girls tomorrow for goddess circle night. You should come too Court, it was great having you with us last time."

"Oh I'd love to but I can't this time sorry, I've actually got a date" Courteney replied, "You'll have to take Schwim instead!"

"I'm not sure I have the right equipment to be a goddess" David joked, raising a suggestive eyebrow in Jen's direction as she flashed him a wide smile.

After a few more minutes of general chat and banter, mostly about her date, Courteney had dished out goodbye hugs then driven off leaving the other two alone.

"So do you have any plans for the weekend" Jen asked.

"Not really, I want to go shopping for some new jeans and trainers but nothing planned apart from that. There's a little deli I know of that do the most fantastic brunches so I often go there on a Sunday." He paused a moment before adding "Maybe I could take you there some time? The owners are great at saving me a table at the back where it's darker and I don't get disturbed now that this show is starting to make us a little more noticeable."

"That sounds pretty great to me. Maybe I could meet you there this weekend? Only if you want me to of course, I don't want to assume....." her voice trailed off as a couple of the camera guys walked past them and they all called out their good nights.

"I'd love you to join me" David said quietly as soon as they were alone again. "I'd really love that."

He pulled her in for a tight hug, burying his nose in her hair as her fingers squeezed the back of his neck. "God I want to kiss you" he whispered into the top of her head.

"I want to kiss you too" she murmured into his shoulder where her head nestled perfectly, before subtly turning her head towards his neck and placing her lips discreetly on his skin, so that anyone walking past wouldn't suspect it was anything other than a goodnight hug between friends.

As a few more of the stage crew exited the building and sauntered across the parking lot, Jen & David were forced to tear themselves apart, realising just how much self control and discipline this secret relationship was going to take. After giving Jen directions to the deli, David had placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before reluctantly saying goodnight, counting down the hours in his head until they would be together again, then mentally chastising himself at the power she already wielded over his heart.

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