The One With Revelations And Celebrations

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A/N - a huge thank you to JuliaG656 for the inspiration for this chapter!!

"Wine or Margaritas?" Jen asked as they arrived in her kitchen which was alive with the smells of garlic, chicken, mushrooms and creamed spinach.

"Margs now, Champagne later after you've given us something to celebrate" teased Court as Jen whacked her playfully with a pair of oven gloves.

"All in good time! Let's at least pretend to talk about something else first, ok? I think I need a large drink after today before I can talk anyway."

"Oh no why, bad day at work?" Lisa asked, sitting herself down at the counter as Jen got busy slicing limes and mixing ingredients, pouring everything into a large silver cocktail shaker and giving it a firm mix, before decanting into pre-prepared, half salt rimmed glasses.

"Just a tiring one. You thought I cried a lot at the reunion but that was two days, with The Morning Show I feel like I've cried or raged solidly for the past seven months and it's exhausting."

"Do you love it though?"

"I do, I absolutely do. Honestly, it's the best job I've had since I was with you guys. The cast and crew are just amazing, Reese is a lot of fun and, well you know, she's just so easy and breezy but also, she works so damned hard, we both do, but a lot of it doesn't feel like work. The producer stuff has been quite a learning curve, as in doing it for such a long period of time and not just a couple of months, but I am absolutely loving it. We're already in early stage talks about a third series even before this one is finished up shooting so that's a huge positive that the right people like it." Jen finished adding the fresh lime to their drinks and handed them over, turning her attention to the food she'd had prepared and delivered and that was now cooking away in the oven. "Probably ready to eat in ten to fifteen minutes" she said, clinking her glass together with theirs. "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" the other two both replied, taking sips of their drinks. "So... you mentioned the reunion..." Court started, noticing Jen's raised eyebrow and eye rolling 'really' look, "... no don't worry I'm not going there... not yet anyway. No, what I was going to say is I spoke to Matty and he won't be joining us to watch when it airs. He didn't really give a reason why so I didn't push it, but he does want to catch up again soon. I hope he's ok. He sounded a bit down when we spoke. I know he's busy writing his book so hopefully it's not bringing back too many bad memories and demons for him, you know. I worry about him still."

"I think we all worry about him" interjected Lisa, a look of concern flashing across her face. "I wish there was more we could do to help him."

"Maybe just being there if he needs us is help enough" replied Court, sipping more of her drink whilst she playfully fondled Sophie's ears, the black and white dog leaning her front paws on her knee as she seated herself on the stool next to Lisa.

"I had no idea just how much pressure he put on himself back in the day" Jen added. "I knew he didn't like it if a joke didn't hit, but I didn't realise just how badly he internalised it and turned it into rejection. It's just so sad. He's hands down, the funniest person I've ever met and yet he has so little confidence in himself."

They carried on chatting in a similar vein for ten minutes or so until Jen checked the food and decided it was ready, tasking the other two with carrying things to the table she'd set ready as she dished up the main event and made another large jug of Margarita for when top ups were needed.

As they sat themselves down at the large dining table, enjoying the professional chef prepared food, there was a moment of silence as both the other two girls looked optimistically at Jen.

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