The One Where It's All Fun And Games

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A/N - An extra long chapter today but there may not be an update for a couple of days now thanks to life being extra busy this week! I hope this fluff and spice makes you smile.


"God, I could kiss you like that all day long" Jen sighed happily as she drew her lips away and leaned backwards so she could see his smiling face. "There's something so powerful about a really good kiss, not one that's necessarily leading somewhere you know, just a lost in the moment, I really, really love you sorta kiss... like that one. It's food for the soul I tell ya, and you just fed mine!"

David laughed loudly, "you have such a way with words. I know what you mean though, you can say a lot with a good kiss. Although, I gotta to tell you, I enjoy the ones that lead somewhere a lot too... a hell of a lot."

"Mmmmm well I'm pretty sure that's on the menu for later" she grinned, giving him a quick peck on the lips before extracting herself from his arms and picking up her glass of fizz. "Cheers!" she said joyfully, clinking her glass against the one he had just collected from the counter too.

"Cheers!" he said in reply. "Here's to temporary anonymity and great kisses." There was a brief silence while they both drunk some of their wine. "So, what would you like to do now?" he asked.

"I have no idea. What would you be doing now if I wasn't here?"

"Probably reading something, or doing some planning for the theatre, or maybe down in the gym lifting some weights. Or if I'd done my jobs for the day, I would most likely head up on the roof and relax up there for a while before I made some food. Of course, when Cleo is here it's different, then I'd be getting dinner ready for her and probably helping with homework, or we'd maybe watch some tv or a movie together, or maybe play a game."

"Oooooh I love games! Can we play something?"

"Sure. I have Scrabble, Battleship, Monopoly, Jenga..."

"Jenga! I love Jenga. I'm good though, be prepared to lose."

"Oh well that's fighting talk if ever I heard it. You wanna put your money where your mouth is Aniston?"

"No, but I do have another suggestion to make it interesting..."

"Okay... from the look on your face I have a feeling I'm gonna like this."

"Oh, I think you will" she said, her eyes shimmering with mischief.  "So basically, every time you lose a game, you have to do a timed forfeit chosen by the other person... but the twist is all the forfeits have to be intimate or sexual in some way."

A wide smile spread across David's face. "Well, that sounds like a twist I can absolutely get on board with, although I have to say, they don't sound much like forfeits to me. How exactly does it work?"

"So, if you lose, I might choose that you have to uhhmmmm... massage my back for five minutes, or kiss my neck for two minutes... that kind of thing. And you absolutely are not allowed to refuse."

"I love this version already" he giggled, "and I'm already thinking up forfeits for when you lose. So where do you want to set up? In here or you wanna go up on the terrace?"

"How private is it on the terrace? Because trust me, some of the forfeits I have in mind are not things you want your neighbours witnessing."

"Oh it's plenty private" he replied with a huge grin, "come on, I'll show you."

They arrived at on the terrace around fifteen minutes later equipped with the game; a selection of cheeses, crudités and cured meats; their glasses of wine, the half full bottle of pink fizz and another bottle of white wine for when that one was empty. David placed the two bottles into a small fridge which was neatly tucked away at the edge of the large covered pergola in one corner of the terrace. The wooden frame was surrounded by lush green bushes and trees, and under the shaded area was a comfortable cream and solid pine wood corner sofa. In front of that was a rectangular shaped, light wood table, from the same family as the one on which he had all the hurricane lamps he'd lit the night before. "This is my absolute favourite place to sit and unwind" he said as he unboxed the wooden blocks and began to build the structure with Jen's assistance.

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