The One With The Unexpected Gift

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The fire was blazing in the grate, the music was playing at just the right level from the subtly hidden speakers, the wine was flowing freely and there was a whole lot of love and laughter in the air. It was just like old times really, only they were all fourteen years older and wiser than when they had said a fond farewell to each other, and in some cases greyer and wider too. They had slipped back into old ways without a moment's hesitation though. That's what comes from spending so long living in each other's pockets like they had done. Of course, they had all seen each other individually or in small groups during that time, the girls especially, but this was the first time all six of them had been together in the same place at the same time since they'd filmed the second Oprah interview all those years back.

So much had happened in those fourteen years too. Marriages, babies, divorces... two more of those being added in the past year since Jen & Justin and also David and Zoe had now all officially parted ways.

"Lisa, I can't believe you were the first one of us to get married, and the first to have a child, and now you're the only one still married, and still to the same guy. Where did the rest of us go so wrong?" Matt joked as they sat around in Courteney's large, comfortable lounge as they had done on so many occasions in the past.

"Or maybe I'm the one that's got it wrong and you guys are the ones having all the fun!" Lisa laughed in return.

Court and Jen had arranged the dinner this evening between them and it had been wonderful. It had taken an absolute age for them to all find a date in their calendar where everyone was available and in LA at the same time, but they all agreed it had been worth the wait. It really had felt like old times in so many ways. The banter, the camaraderie, the flirting..... Yes, Jen and David had seemingly fallen oh so easily into the thing that came most naturally to them both when they were together. They teased each other mercilessly all through the evening, they laughed at and with each other, and they were incredibly tactile just as they had been back in the day. The other four watched on with subtle eyebrow raises and winks between themselves, pleased that their long time friends were actually genuinely friendly again.

"How's it working out with Cleo? Have you come to terms with sharing your time with her yet? It must have been a difficult transition for all of you?" Jen asked David as they were sat together on a large, cosy, cream sofa, Jen with one leg tucked up beneath her, barefooted in her simple burgundy sleeveless top and jeans, her knee resting gently against his thigh.

"I'm not going to lie, I don't love it, but I think now that we've finally divorced and talked things through a little more, it's actually a lot easier than it might have been. We are both determined that she comes first and whatever issues we had are nothing to do with her so we're still trying to do things as a family every so often. And it also means I get some great one on one time with her which I adore so......"

Jen smiled warmly as she watched just how much his face lit up at the mention of his daughter. She could tell from the light in his eyes just how much he loved her. It was a very similar sparkle to the one that had been reserved for her all those years earlier.

"I know I've said it before, but that kid is so damn lucky to have you as her father."

"Do you ever think about what might have happened if you know...... if we'd had....?" David asked quietly.

"I'd be lying if I said no" Jen smiled at him with just a hint of sadness in her eyes, "but obviously the universe had other plans and who are we to question that."

There was a brief moment of silence between them as they locked eyes, both lost in their past hopes and dreams for a short time. David was about to say something when they were interrupted by a loud squeal of laughter from the other side of the room and Court yelling "Jen, Schwim, you gotta see this!"

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