The One With All The Handiwork

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David had been watching her sleep for almost two hours by the time she finally began to show signs of awakening. He'd been to the bathroom and made himself two cups of coffee in that time. Oh, and he'd narrowly avoided waking her up in a flat panic as he got out of bed the first time and Chesterfield had seen him moving about on the screen, suddenly sitting up, hackles raised and ready to bark and pounce. Thankfully he'd managed to quietly reassure him it was ok and he'd settled back down in the exact spot where David wished he himself was lay, cuddled tight alongside the sleeping beauty. And now, as she stretched and rubbed at her eyes, he was wishing more than anything that she was right beside him and not thousands of miles away, visible only through a screen. He couldn't help but admire her body as it unfurled before his eyes, partially hidden by the sheets although he could picture exactly how she looked beneath them as her legs extended and her back arched upward. She reached out her arms to his side of the bed as if seeking him out however, on this occasion, finding a much furrier companion instead.

"I'm over here" he said softly through the screen as her blue eyes flickered open, slightly confused by the combination of dog and David. As things became clearer in both her vision and mind, a slow, warm smile spread across her face.

"Good Morning" she said sleepily, "how long have you been awake?" She was almost immediately met with two nuzzling noses in her face, the dogs believing she was talking to them as usual. "And a very good morning and Merry Christmas to you two too" she laughed, instantly wide awake from their tongue bath, her hands fussing both of the furry boys at the same time.

"Not too long" he stuttered, not really wanting to admit he'd spent the best part of two hours just watching her breathe and dream. "I feel I'm missing out" David laughed as he looked on, "I want to be leaping around beside you and kissing you like that."

"You're just jealous I'm not stroking you aren't you, admit it" she said with a wink. "I know... sorry, it's far too early for those kind of jokes" she added with a flash of her eyes.

"It's never too early, or too late... or too anything" he said with another loud peel of laughter. "You should know that by now." He watched as she continued to fuss and stroke the two dogs that were bouncing around on his side of the bed, her eyes flicking between him and them as she tried to divide her attention. "Is it wrong that I am actually jealous of them?" he asked after a few seconds, "well, envious more than jealous."

"Honey, you know if you were here you'd be getting more than your fair share of attention" she said lovingly, her attention focused entirely on him now.

"Mmmm that's a nice thought" he replied, closing his eyes momentarily as he transported himself there in his mind. "Tell me more..." he ventured, as he shifted position in his own bed, the covers slipping down to reveal his naked chest as he propped himself up sideways on his elbow.

"Oh, I'll tell you anything you want to know... but first I need to pee and let these two out. I'll be back in a few minutes" she said as she stood, stretched her naked body in front of the screen then waltzed out of sight. "I can hear your dirty mind whirring..." she said over her shoulder, grinning from ear to ear as she heard him giggle his guilt loud and clear.

When she returned to the bedroom some ten minutes later, she could see David still lay in pretty much the same position on his bed, only now he'd pushed back all the covers so that she was treated to the sight of his body in all its uncensored glory.

"Don't lay down yet" he requested as she made her way into shot.

"Okay, why?" she asked, picking up the screen and giving him a close up of her still naked upper body.

"Because I thought maybe, as a Christmas treat and only if you were up for it, we could have a little fun..." He delved beneath the pillow next to him and pulled out a familiar long, silver object, "... with these."

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