The One With A Perfect Way To Say Goodbye

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A/N – So here we are, the end of an era. This multi decade tale of love, friendship, trials and tribulations is eventually coming to somewhat of a finale, although in true Jen and David style, it's going out with a smile and a hug, rather than fireworks and screaming headlines.  What started out as a 20-to-25-chapter story has turned into somewhat of an epic saga, taking on a life of its own and leading me to places I never thought possible when I began writing some 8 months ago. 156 chapters later we bid farewell (not goodbye) to my versions of Jen and David. There will be no more updates... unless something very dramatic happens in real life and I feel the need to include it as a 'Happily Ever After' addition to this fairytale!! (Believe me, if we ever do see that day I will be the happiest person on earth!) Thank you to each and every one of you who has supported, commented, read and encouraged me along the way. You've honestly no idea how much joy and happiness you've brought me. Writing this story has quickly become my way of escaping from some of the less enjoyable things in life and I'll miss it and them, although I am looking forward to catching up on all the TV I've not had time to watch so far this year!!  So now, for probably / possibly / maybe the last time, let's get back to the story...


"David are you nearly ready?" called Jen from the kitchen where she'd just finished up shutting away the two dogs in their purpose built doggy room, making sure the door flap was unlocked so they could access their small, enclosed outdoor yard whilst no one was home.

"Sorry, I just needed to use the bathroom before we got in the car" he replied, walking in from the corridor. "Are you absolutely sure these pants look okay? I'm still not sure they suit me."

"You look great" Jen answered with a smile, casting her eyes over the cream khakis that were not at all his usual style, but that she thought looked fantastic on him, "and they're perfect for today which is all that matters. I'll look forward to hearing all about it when you get back."

"I still can't believe you won't caddy for me" he said with a wide grin, "I think it's exceptionally unkind of you."

"I'll make it up to you in a different way" she laughed with a wink, "and anyway, while you're off playing golf and having fun with Oprah's guys, I'll be busy signing the final papers for our new home which I think we both agree takes priority over walking around after you and watching you playing with balls..."

"You have such a way with words," David giggled, kissing the top of her head, "anyway, I thought we both agreed that playing with those is your job now" he teased, something which swiftly earned him a playful poke in the ribs.

"If you're not careful I'll make you drive all the way there and back while I do just that" she retorted which drew loud giggles from both of them. "Now come on, we're going to be late and I'm not having you blaming me this time."

It was a little over five hours later, just shy of 4pm on Friday afternoon when David drove them back through the gates of the Bel Air home they were currently sharing, well for another few days at least. Sadly, he was on countdown now to flying back to New York and although, of course, he was very much looking forward to seeing his daughter, there was pretty much nothing else calling him back to the city he'd happily called home since 2005.  Everything besides Cleo that he loved and needed was now here in LA and he was already feeling the weight of leaving Jen again weighing heavily on his heart.  As he pulled to a halt, he turned to face her. "Would you mind if I borrow your car for an hour or so. I have a couple of things I need to do in town before I head back."

"Of course not" Jen replied, slightly puzzled that he hadn't mentioned it before but equally accepting of his request, after all they had no need to be joined at the hip every minute and that was actually something she found great security in. They loved their time together, but they were both entirely comfortable with each other spending time pursuing their own agendas and hanging out with different friends too. "I'll take the dogs for a good run while you're out" she said with a smile, giving him a brief kiss on the lips before exiting the car and heading inside, turning to wave him off as she closed the door behind her.

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