The One With The Coffee Shop Kiss

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They had stuck to their original agreement and reverted back to stealing moments together whenever they could at work, spooning on the couch most days, teasing and flirting with each other relentlessly, always in and out of each other's dressing rooms, sometimes leaving the doors open to avoid suspicion, but not always as, well...... you know....... things sometimes just needed to happen that required closed doors and privacy. Well, as much privacy as you could expect from a dressing room in a busy film studio at least.

There had been a long 'shut door' moment a couple of weeks ago after they had finished filming the scene where Rachel describes the perfect kiss to Ross. The intensity of the sexual tension between the two of them had been palpable to everyone in the room, the audience audibly feeling Rachel's desire and internal struggle, and the directors commending them on their outstanding performance in that hallway. They were both eternally grateful for the twenty-minute break in between shots which allowed them to hastily retreat to Jen's dressing room where they shared one of the most intense kisses they had ever experienced. They'd had to fight hard to retain a little self-control as it was a kiss that would have led to a whole lot more had the opportunity been available.

Today was a huge day in the Ross and Rachel storyline. Ross was about to find out via a drunken answerphone message that Rachel had feelings for him and they were to share their first proper screen kiss. Not a peck, not a dream where they had to hold back...... a proper, full on, intense and passionate kiss.

Jen and David had decided after reading the script that this week they were going to be hands off each other on set and off it, as they wanted to build a level of pent-up desire that they could use to help convey the feelings of Ross & Rachel. It felt strange to both of them not to share all the little intimacies they had become so used to and reliant on, and by the end of the week when it was time to record the show, their plan had worked and they were desperate to unleash all that sexual tension onto each other.

"Right guys, I think we are all set. So, Jen we are going to take it from your lead in, then David, if you give it a beat then barge in. And Action!"

"And you know what, now I got closure!" Jen slammed the door shut and turned her attention to the tables, pretending to clean them as emotion filled her face and the tears began to prick her eyes.

David waited a few seconds then entered the coffee shop at speed, grabbing Jen by the waist, spinning her around and kissing her with such a force that they both stumbled backwards across the room. Lips still entwined he picked her up and sat her on the counter top where she wrapped her legs firmly around him, pulling him closer to her body, her hands in his hair as his fingers caressed the area around her hips, slipping inside the band of her skirt. Jen's tongue instinctively made her way into David's mouth, her breath rate increasing and her throat letting out a small moan as she was swept away in the moment.

"Cut! Ok guys, that was hot, really hot..... maybe a little too hot actually. I'm not sure we will get away with that. Just give us a few minutes ok?"

The director, the three producers and a couple of the writers gathered together in a huddle at the side of the stage, deep in discussion, as Jen and David turned their backs to the audience and composed themselves.

"I'm not sure they liked that. Sorry if I hurt you, throwing you around so roughly. It just felt like a really intense moment and I figured Ross would be all pent up and feeling a lot of urgency.... sorta like me."

"You don't have to apologise to me! I am definitely not complaining about what just happened..." Jen replied with a flash of mischief in her eyes, "in fact, you can try that on me again any time you like..."

After about ten minutes of discussion, it was decided to do another take of the scene, but with a little less movement. They wanted their two actors to be static for the kiss so they could do a good close up.

"Ok we are all set, Jen on your lead in again....... And Action!"

"And you know what, now I got closure!" Jen had once again banged the door shut and turned to clean the tables, before leaning heavily on them as if overcome with emotion. David again waited for a few seconds before entering the coffee house, pausing as he saw Jen upset at the table, then quickly making his way over to her and taking her in his arms for a kiss that was much less intense and passionate than before, and just a little awkward, as neither of them felt the set up was quite right this time.

"Cut! Yeah I wasn't feeling that one guys, sorry. I think this needs a bit of a re-think, it's not playing out like we had in mind. Come over here and let's talk it through."

They had spent the next half hour re-configuring the scene, writing in a little more dialogue and a little humour as the scene felt too flat for what should be such a heart-warming moment between their two protagonists.

"Ok, let's try this again, so Jen, with the doors, just see what comes naturally, and David, try to make it funny but not too funny if you get me, remember the context. We'll go from your lead in again Jen...... And Action!"

"And you know what, now I got closure!" Jen closed the door hard, locking the bolts one by one, loudly and with force, before retreating into the room and leaning on the back of the sofa, obviously trying to contain her emotions and regain her composure. After a few moments, she stood up and startled when she saw David stood in the doorway watching her. She moved quickly over to the door, unlocking all but one of the bolts. She shook the door hard, trying to open it. "I think you missed one" David said through the glass, pointing downwards. Jen bent low and undid that one before opening the door and welcoming him into her arms for a kiss. The audience cheered loudly as they watched the two co-stars share the intimate moment before the director once again yelled "Cut!"

"Ok guys, we are going to stick with that one for now, but we have just been having another chat and we think this moment needs to be more intense and much more private, so we will re-shoot it once the audience are gone ok? That was much better though, the door thing worked nicely."

It was long gone midnight before the audience had left and the stage was set once more for the big kiss moment. Everyone that didn't need to be there had gone home, including the other four cast members, and the stage suddenly felt much calmer, much broodier and much more intimate.

"Ok now guys, I'm not going to give you any direction for this one, just feel it ok. So Jen, from your line...... And Action!"

"And you know what, now I got closure!" Jen closed the door with a heavy bang, slamming shut the bolts which made the door rattle in its frame. She turned and found her way to sit down heavily on the orange sofa, a wave of emotion washing over her as she felt Rachel's pain in her heart, her head buried in her hands as tears threatened her eyes. She sat for a few moments before standing and trying to shake off the feeling of despair, turning her head and seeing David's intense gaze through the glass door panel as the rain fell hard behind him. Slowly she made her way back across the room, not wanting to break eye contact for one second. The longing in his eyes was deep and powerful. She reached the door and unlocked all except one bolt, jostling with the handle as it loudly refused to budge. "Try the bottom one" David said, his voice breaking a little as he spoke. Jen bent down, still barely breaking eye contact, releasing the stubborn bolt and opening both doors wide as a symbol of invitation. The sound of the falling raindrops added to the magnitude of the moment as they stood, staring deep into each other's eyes. Slowly David moved in, drawn to her by a powerful magnetic force that was undeniable. Their lips met in a deep, slow, intense and powerful kiss, his hands on her waist, hers cupping his face in a gesture that was filled with tenderness. Their mouths moving as one, pouring love into each other as their tongues began to mingle and explore. Their bodies felt like they were melting together as they sank deeper and deeper into the feelings created by the sensation of their kiss.


They heard the call but it took a few seconds to register that the moment was over and they had to pull apart, neither wanting to be the one to break the connection, although reluctantly David had been the one to end it.

The set was silent. There was an atmosphere in the room that was almost electric. As David and Jen looked around they saw not one, but three or four people wiping tears from their eyes.

Marta walked over to them both and wrapped her arms tightly around them. "That was incredible. I don't know how you made it happen, but it hit me right here" she gestured to her heart as she spoke, "you just created magic."

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