The One With Tag Talk

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Jen was packing her final few bits into her case as David returned from dropping an unusually emotional Cleo at school. She'd got quite tearful as she bid farewell to 'her Jen' and only cheered up at the absolute promise of another trip to LA in the long summer break which was thankfully just a few short weeks away.

"If we needed any more reason to make sure this works out, she's it" David had said as his daughter went downstairs to put on her shoes. "She idolises you."

"Well, we'd best not let her down then" Jen had replied before adding, "and to be honest, I'd miss her almost as much as you. She's an absolute joy."

Jen sprayed herself with perfume and was about to pack it into her case when a thought crossed her mind. She walked across the bedroom and lightly spritzed his pillows, knowing how much she missed the scent of him in her home when he'd gone. He walked into the room a few seconds later. "Mmmmm you smell good" he said with a smile. "Are you almost packed?"

"Yeah, I think I've got everything" she replied, "and anything I've forgotten you can bring when you come or it can stay here until next time."

"I'm already looking forward to next time" he sighed, "it's crazy how quickly you can get used to something. I'm really going to miss being with you all the time."

"I know, I'm going to miss you too. And I know it's only a few weeks until you'll be in LA but right now that seems like a lifetime."

"Do you really have to go today" he whined.

"I really do" she replied sadly. "I've got so many meetings and interviews to do this week. Some remote but a lot face to face. Plus I told you we're shooting some Vital Proteins promo stuff and I can't exactly dial that in." She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I wish I could though" she said as his hands came to rest either side of her hips, "I can't tell you how much I wish I could."

"At least you'll be reunited with your fur babies later" David said, trying to lift the mood a little. "Is that ready now?" he asked, pointing to her case. "I'll get it downstairs ready for when Paul comes if it is."

"Oh God, I need to apologise to Paul" Jen said, dropping her arms from his neck and placing her palms each side of her face in mock horror, her cheeks flushing scarlet red as memories of Sunday night crashed into her brain. "I can't actually believe we did that."

"I know" laughed David, "I did already apologise profusely when I spoke to him yesterday. We've probably scarred the poor guy for life, although he assured me he had no idea what I was talking about."

"Well, whatever he drinks, buy him a couple of cases from me" she giggled, "it's the least we can do."

"Yeah, no matter how much we want to, we'd best not repeat that on the way to the airport or he might sack me" laughed David as he trundled her case out of the room.

Less than ninety minutes later Jen found herself sat on her plane, alone and tearful. She'd held it together as best she could as she'd hugged and kissed David goodbye in the privacy of the car, clinging onto him so tightly that both of them were struggling to breathe. "Call me when you get home" he'd said, "it doesn't matter what time it is here, just let me know you're back safe." They'd shared a few more emotional kisses before Jen had climbed out and made the short journey to the plane steps, not without hugging Paul too and apologising again for their indiscretions, smiling and then blushing as he'd told her the same as David, that he'd seen or heard nothing, something she absolutely didn't believe as he grinned and gave her a cheeky wink before getting back in the front seat and slowly driving an equally sad David far away from view.

Five and a half weeks is a long time to be separated and to say they'd missed each other would be a huge understatement. David had thrown himself into planning upcoming theatre projects in the hope of trying to attract huge audiences once the Covid situation settled down again, as well as spending more time with Cleo who had finished school for the summer break. Jen had been kept pretty busy with her promo work for Vital Proteins and working on the final few design tweaks for the Lolavie packaging. She had also been knee deep in the post production of The Morning Show season two, in fact that's what had kept her busy the whole of this week, including today where was fresh out of a long and not entirely productive meeting about which direction to take the ending of the season.

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