The One With The Vegas Trip - Part One

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He had been captivated by this girl since the very first moment he had set eyes on her at the table read. She had filled the room with an air of joy and excitement as soon as she entered. He couldn't explain it but from the second he had seen her he knew she was someone special. I mean, she was obviously beautiful on the outside plus she was incredibly funny and warm spirited, but the very moment he locked eyes with her, shaking her hand and introducing himself, he instantly knew that this girl was on another level and he was going to have to watch himself around her because wow, he had never felt a spark like it when their skin had touched for the first time.

And now here they were, some 5 weeks later, having just recently stepped off the private plane and into a limo that had whisked them to their Vegas hotel for the weekend. There was a real buzz in the late afternoon air as they chatted excitedly about the show, the weekend ahead, and gently teased each other as they had already become accustomed to. They really did feel like 6 best friends who had known each other for a lot longer than just over a month! He couldn't help but smile internally as he realised Jen and himself had been allocated adjoining rooms, around a corner and some distance from the other four cast members.

After a quick break to unpack and freshen up, the six of them had gathered in one of the hotel bars for drinks and some food before hitting the casinos. They each had $200 to play with and after a couple of hours everyone except Jen was up on their original stake. She was losing money hand over fist, yet seemed entirely happy and proud of the fact! The tables soon turned on the rest of them too though, and before long everyone had lost every last cent of their winnings, at which point they decided to hit another bar for some more drinks.

They were soon seated at a rectangular shaped table a short distance from the hustle and bustle of the bar area, the girls along one side and boys along the other, Jen and David ending up opposite each other at the furthest end. After another couple of rounds of drinks had been consumed, the two Matts went to the bar to order some more whilst Courteney and Lisa took a trip to the restroom, leaving their other two cast members chatting happily, barely noticing that the others weren't there anymore. By the time the four returned, Jen was sitting next to David, leaning into him and laughing hard at something he had said, causing a couple of raised eyebrows from their new co-stars.

The alcohol was starting to dissolve any inhibitions as the whole group hit the dance floor a short time later. They'd been told that they would soon be shooting a dance montage for the show's opening credits, and they decided to have a little fun showing off their best moves and goofing around with each other. The six seemed to very naturally and easily split in to three pairs, Courteney and Matty; Lisa & Matt; David & Jen, and they soon found themselves prancing around the dance floor in their couples, squealing with laughter and throwing all kinds of crazy shapes as the drinks they'd consumed really kicked in.

"You've got some nice moves" Jen giggled, as David spun her round the room, twirling and twisting her this way and that.

"Thanks, you make a great partner" he replied, thinking to himself he could get used to dancing and holding this girl.

She had made a huge impression on him in such a short space of time and he felt drawn to her like no one before. As a slower song started up he instinctively pulled her closer to him and they began swaying in time to the music's sultry tones, his hands resting in the small of her back, her hands loosely behind his neck as their hips moved in time to the sexy sounds of a saxophone. He could smell her perfume as they danced, and he kept getting hints of fruity shampoo as her hair swished over her shoulders. His mind was racing, partly due to the number of drinks he'd had, but mostly because of the girl in his arms. He locked eyes with her and saw a faint blush appear on her cheeks as she smiled widely back at him, their lower bodies connecting ever closer as the music swelled and soared over the dance floor. Neither of them broke eye contact as the rhythm intensified and their movements followed suit.

The moment was suddenly broken as a burly guy staggered and stumbled into them, spilling his drink and almost knocking Jen off her feet which resulted in David wrapping his arms protectively around her and leading her away as he chastised the drunken stranger.

"Are you ok?" he asked, a concerned and slightly aggrieved look on his face.

"I'm totally fine" she replied with a smile, "thanks for being my hero though!" She looked around to see where the others were then spotting them at the bar.

"Do you want to get another beer?" she asked him.

"I think I've had enough" was his swift response, as his head was starting to feel slightly separated from his body and he didn't feel certain he could control himself if he had any more alcohol.

"Scared you'll get drunk and embarrass yourself huh?" she teased, poking her fingers into his chest playfully.

"Something like that" he said bashfully, looking down at his shoes as he felt his cheeks redden.

"Well, if it's no more beer for you then it's no more Martinis for me" she declared, "I don't want to be more drunk than you are!"

"Hey, don't stop on my account" he said.

"I'm only teasing, I've had enough too. I don't want to spend the day feeling like crap tomorrow" she hesitated a little before adding "or getting super drunk and embarrassing myself in front of you!"

"I quite like the sound of super drunk Jen" he grinned, his mind thinking things it really shouldn't about his new co-star.

"Well, I'm sure you'll get to see her sometime" she quipped in return, her eyes sparkling with mischief and something he could've sworn was a hint of flirtation.

They made their way over to their friends at the bar and ordered a couple of diet cokes as they all chatted and laughed together before deciding it was time to head back to their rooms and get some sleep as it was already the early hours of the morning. The three pairs had all naturally linked arms as they wandered back to their hotel and after saying goodnight to the others, David & Jen arrived at their adjacent rooms still arm in arm, neither of them wanting to be the first to break the connection as they stood face to face. There was a short silence that wasn't awkward but wasn't entirely comfortable either. David was the first one to crack as he reluctantly pulled his arm away.

"So, I guess I'll see you in the morning....."

"Yeah, I guess you will" she smiled, glancing down at the floor before allowing her eyes to meet his once more.

"Well goodnight then" he said, again with the hesitancy.

"Goodnight" came her soft reply, her bright blue eyes still locked onto his deep brown ones.

Both of them could sense they didn't want to part, but neither of them dared to make a move so moments later they found themselves on the opposite sides of their separate hotel room doors, hearts pounding and wishing they'd leaned in for a kiss.

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