The One With Wigs And Swigs

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David returned in a matter of minutes holding a large pizza box which he set down on the coffee table in front of them both, opening it up and taking a slice. "Sorry, I'm hungry" he grinned at her with a mouthful.

"And here I was, patiently waiting for my kiss" she laughed, helping herself to a slice too, leaning forward and trying not to drip cheese everywhere.

"So, listen, what you said about things here being busier and harder to hide. What are we going to do about that? Because like it or not, I can't promise you won't get seen, although right now with masks it's probably as easy as it's ever going to be to slip under the radar. But there is always the possibility that if we go out together, we are going to be seen together at some point. Which I'm as nervous about as you, by the way."

"That's the million-dollar question isn't it. I guess if no one is expecting to see me here then it's slightly easier to go unrecognised, but that's not always going to be possible. Do you get paps camped outside here much?"

"Rarely" David replied, "I think maybe a couple of times in the past year or so, around the reunion time, but mostly they know to leave me alone because all they get is shots of my head down with my cap covering the majority of my face anyway. I mean, I've been caught out and about in the city a number of times, mostly on my own, a couple of times with Cleo which I really don't like, oh and once with an assistant from my agents' office who decided to play them at their own game and pose like she was my girlfriend. She found that far funnier than I did to be honest, especially when the pictures got picked up and I felt the need to explain it to Zoe."

"Ha! Yes I can't imagine you appreciated that too much" Jen replied, imagining him feeling the full force of his ex's wrath. "Do you have a back entrance here or do you always use the front?"

"There is a back entrance, I'll show you next time we're downstairs, but it's actually more conspicuous I feel, because you can be spotted much easier by the neighbours as it's a private pathway, and it only takes one person to open their mouth to the wrong person and then suddenly there would be a ton of photographers outside waiting to pounce."

"Yeah, and that's normally when I rely on Steve and Jason, my regular minders, to protect me. But I hate having to have one of them with me when I simply want to run a few errands or go for a walk in the park, you know? I mean in the grand scheme of things, especially with what's going on in the world right now, I'm really not complaining but..."

"... but we should be allowed the same privacy and respect as most other people are right?"

"Right" she sighed. "I know we are entirely privileged and so, so lucky to do what we do, and to be incredibly well rewarded for doing it, but sometimes it feels like there's also a very high personal price to pay."

"I think you pay that price more than anyone I know, for whatever reason" David said, picking up his third slice of pizza. "And you're right, it is a high price to pay, and I honestly don't know how you've put up with it for so long."

"It's not like I have much choice, is it? I don't beg them to follow me. What do you suggest I do? Never leave the house?"

"No, I don't suggest that at all. But maybe you need to stop being so nice and giving them the shots they're after. Maybe you need to hide your face and be less friendly. And I know that absolutely goes against your nature, but if they rarely get the picture they need to make their money from you, they might start to follow you less."

"I guess, although I promise you, I don't encourage them."

"No, I'm sure you don't, I'm just trying to help. What about wigs? I know you used to wear them out sometimes back at the height of Friends. Do you still do that?"

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