The One With The Surprise Reunion

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"Oh my God, you.... you're... you're here?"

"Apparently I am! Hey you!"

Jen wrapped herself as tightly into David's arms as both of them could possibly manage, considering she was still stood on the couch, her head nestled happily into the crook of his neck as he buried his nose in her hair, rubbing her back gently as they embraced like they had been parted for years. No one said anything for a few moments, Court and Lisa nodding at each other and watching on with tears in their eyes as their plan had come to fruition in exactly the way they'd hoped.

After a few more seconds of ecstatic hugging, they peeled themselves apart, Jen climbing down from the sofa and turning to face the room where the two girls were still stood watching in silence. Her eyes were filled with tears. "I......" she tried to speak but was completely overwhelmed and had to take a moment swallowing hard and doing her best to regain her composure, as David walked around from behind the sofa to stand beside her, instinctively throwing his arm around her waist as she returned the gesture and leaned sideways into him. "Just.... how?" she finally uttered in his direction. "I thought you were with Cleo until Sunday night?"

"Mmmm hmmm I was supposed to be, but I swapped a few dates around after I'd spoken to these two and they propositioned me with an offer I couldn't possibly refuse" David replied, a huge smile on his face. At almost exactly the same time, Jen and David extended their free arms towards the others and pulled them in for a giant hug.

"What did I do to deserve this?" Jen said through a mist of happy tears, "You have absolutely no idea how happy you have just made me, all of you, seriously... I think I might burst."

"Good I'm glad" said Court, withdrawing from the hug to clear the spilt Champagne from the table before settling herself back down on the large, L-shaped sofa, Lisa doing the same, but taking up a position next to Court in order to leave the space next to where Jen had been sat, free for David.

Jen followed suit and sunk back down too, the shock beginning to wear off and her heart rate finding a more normal rhythm again, as David parked himself closely beside her. She cosied herself into him before suddenly shooting bolt upright. "Wait a minute, where were you...? I mean did you...?"

"I heard, if that's what you are wondering" he answered with an enigmatic smile. "I've heard every single word you said since you walked through the front door. I was in the pantry in the kitchen hiding... and blushing."

It was Jen's turn to blush now as she desperately tried to recall everything she had said about him. "You know what, I'm not embarrassed in the slightest" she said after a few seconds, "it's nothing you either didn't already know or that I wouldn't happily say to your face anyway." She leaned in closely, so close she could feel his breath on her skin. "You are the best, in every way... and at everything" she murmured, closing her eyes and kissing him fully and properly on the lips, open mouthed, sensual and filled with love. She pulled away after a few intimate seconds, turning her head towards the others. "Sorry, but that was one for my bucket list. I can't tell you how long I have wanted to be able to do that in front of you guys."

"Yeah ok, well it's off your list now so don't go making a habit of it" Lisa winked, a wide smile on her face as she watched the pure joy and adoration in both of her friend's eyes as they sat, arms and legs comfortably entwined, hanging on each other's every word and obviously completely and utterly in love.

"So, you two, you three actually... spill. How on earth did you pull this off?"

"Pretty easily really. We talked about it in the car on the way back from yours after you'd told us everything and we decided to see if we could pull off a surprise for you since you're always the one doing nice things for others and putting everyone else first" Court explained.

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