The One With Long Miles And Secret Smiles

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They had enjoyed a long, leisurely bath together, before feasting on a light brunch and taking the dogs for a lengthy meander around the garden. Then they had sat and compared schedules and planned in a number of visits, all of which involved David flying to LA as they mutually decided that was for the best until they had figured out this next stage in their relationship and reached an agreement that the time was right to tell Cleo and therefore Zoe too. And then they had sat and talked about all kinds of things; a lot of reminiscing; a lot of planning things they might like to do in the future; and also a lot about Jen's seeming inability to forgive herself for what had happened in the past and allow herself the luxury of being loved by the one man she had always wanted to be loved by, something which David hoped by the end of the afternoon, that they had made some real progress with.

Before they knew it, it was time to get ready and head out to dinner. David had brought a smart black shirt which he paired with dark navy jeans and a black bomber jacket. Jen settling, after much deliberation, on the very first outfit she picked which was a black, low v-necked and short sleeved blouse, paired with a three quarter sleeve black jacket, light blue jeans, and black, knee high boots.

David had been to the hotel on several occasions previously for dinners and functions, but never with Jen. It was obvious she was a regular as she was ushered through with familiarity and discretion to her favourite table in a fabulous spot overlooking what seemed like the whole of Los Angeles, yet was surprisingly private, especially in these Covid times where social distancing was still very much in practice. They enjoyed wines and cocktails and fabulous food in what had felt like a wonderfully romantic and intimate setting, and they'd been there well over four hours before TJ was summoned to drive them back. When they arrived home, tipsy and incredibly happy, they had spent another couple of hours delighting in each other's bodies. Backs were massaged with rich smelling essential oils and moisturising lotions, naked skin being caressed and cared for, something which they both found intensely soothing and erotic at the same time. It hadn't been long before the back massage turned into all over body massage... which soon turned into heavy arousal and then lengthy and sensual love making, both of them instinctively wanting to make it last for as long as they possibly could. This was less about physical need and much more a heartfelt communication of deeply held love. And then they had fallen asleep, arms and legs completely entangled, Jen spooning into David and barely stirring all night as her dreams were filled with happiness and no more demons came calling.

All too soon the shrill, piercing tones of the alarm signaled it was time for dreams to end and reality to bite. "Mmmmm good morning gorgeous" sighed David as he wrapped his arms tightly around the woman who was still spooned as closely into him as she possibly could. He placed a kiss on the back of her head as she stirred and wriggled herself around to face him.

"Morning you" she replied, her voice still filled with intoxicating sleep, "is it really time to wake up already?"

"I'm afraid so. I need to be heading off in the next couple of hours so I'm home in time to pick Cleo up later this evening. And you have to be at the studio by 11am don't you?"

"I do. We can drop you off at the airport on our way there. I know it's not exactly on the way, but I want to squeeze every last second we can out of being together." She tilted her head upwards and placed her lips gently against his, nuzzling and speaking as she did so. "I'm going to miss waking up in your arms so much. You have no idea how happy your presence makes me."

"I think I have a pretty good idea since I feel the same way. It feels so good and so right being together like this, like it's meant to be." He stopped talking to return her kiss, and before they could help themselves, the gentle kiss turned into something far bigger, far longer, and far more satisfying than they had intended.

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