The One With Cheesy Dreams

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"I dreamed you were here last night" said Jen with a smile as she sat drinking her morning protein shake on the terrace, watching over the two dogs who were romping around down by the pool. "It was so bizarre but so real at the same time. We were lay in bed talking and you were telling me about the most amazing property you'd been to view. You told me I absolutely had to buy because it had a view of the river and a cheese tree in the back yard."

"A cheese tree?" David interjected with a giggle, "as in a tree that grows cheese?"

"Yes" she replied, laughing at herself, "in my dream it seemed like the most normal thing in the world. You told me it would be great for hosting dinner parties because I could pick it fresh for the cheese boards. And then, after you convinced me I should buy it, we settled down to sleep and I was pressed tightly against you, holding you and feeling all warm and secure, and then you started kissing my neck and my ear and my cheek and I was really getting into it... only then I woke up and realised it was actually Chesterfield licking me." She grinned widely, "I love him dearly, but I was so disappointed it wasn't really you."

"We have definitely been apart for far too long if you think the dog feels anything like me" he replied with more than a hint of amusement.

"I know" she replied, with equal joviality, "but on that note, I might have some good news. I might, and it is only a might at this stage although I'm pushing hard for it believe me, I might be heading to New York sooner than we thought, for work but still..."

"Really? Well, that would be the best news I've had in a long time. When and for what?"

"If it comes off, and like I say, it's not confirmed yet so it may not happen, but you know the Actors on Actors interviews for the Emmy nominations? Well, I've been paired with Sebastian Stan, who lives in the city and there's talk of it being shot there, which obviously I said I would be more than happy with. So yeah, if it comes off I might get two or three days with you. I know it's not a lot but..."

"Sweetie, I'd be happy with two or three hours right now! It feels more like nine months than nine weeks since I saw you in Paris." He smiled at her through the screen. "Seriously, how did we go so many years barely talking, to hardly being able to function when we're apart? I mean, I'm in no way complaining, it's just crazy how reliant I've become on you again. I feel a little lost being so far away from you for so long, especially when we don't really know when we might see each other again."

"I know, I feel the same way, believe me. But that's why there's something else I want to talk to you about too. What plans do you have with Cleo over summer break? Because I was talking with Molly and Amanda at weekend and we're thinking of booking someplace nice for a few days, and I was hoping you could both join us, and maybe we could even go a little earlier and have a few days on our own first?"

"That sounds like heaven. Where and when are you thinking?" David's grin was so wide it reached his ears and she beamed happily back at him.

"Someplace warm and sandy. We've narrowed it down to three or four beautiful villas in The Bahamas. That's kind of equal distance for most of the group to travel, well, equal-ish at least. And probably middle of July time if that fits ok with you?" She paused as he mentally checked his schedule.

"I'll need to check with Zoe but I'm pretty sure that fits perfectly with when she's working and I have Cleo for a few weeks. It sounds wonderful to me." His face filled with another grin, this one charged with mischief. "Maybe we could even get chance to recreate our Hawaii beach fun..."

"Mmmm maybe we could" she replied, blushing slightly as she cast her mind back to that memorable night. "Although I do not want to get caught out by Bateman or Kimmel because we'll never hear the end of it, just like..." she paused and David could see her mind whirring.

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