The One With The Reunion - Part Two

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To say the day had been emotional would be a huge understatement. There had been multiple times during filming when Jen had been forced to signal David to come to the rescue as the memories overwhelmed her and her emotions bubbled over the surface once again. She was known for being the most sensitive one of the gang and boy had she lived up to her reputation. If she hadn't been amongst some of her very oldest and closest friends, she might have felt embarrassed, but she was, and therefore she didn't at all.

The three girls had shared so many happy and memorable times together and were still incredibly close, but no one was at all surprised to see Jen turning almost exclusively to David for support throughout the day. The other four had all witnessed the ten years of love and adoration and thinly disguised lust between the two of them, and although they perhaps individually had their suspicions that things between their two dear friends had not always been purely platonic, it was not a subject that had ever been vocalised beyond a few passing comments and throwaway remarks, mostly from Matt and almost always aimed towards David.

They were nearing the end of filming on day one and Jen was alone in her trailer. Chris had just finished re-touching her hair and had gone off to see to the other two leading ladies. She heard a tap at her door and a familiar voice saying, "It's me."

"It's open" she called and smiled brightly as David entered, closing the door behind him, and wandering across to where she was sat.

"I just wanted to come and check in on you and see how you are doing."

"Oh, I'm doing fine thanks" she said, her instinctive deflect reflexes kicking in before she remembered exactly who she was talking to, and that her eyes couldn't lie to him, as she saw his reaction to her claim. "Yeah ok...... well, I'm doing better than I was this morning at least." She thought back to that moment when she had been totally shell-shocked by all the sudden memories, and the flashbacks of how her life had been the last time she was on the stage 24 set. "I'm just glad we have been able to reminisce about so many of the happy times today. And honestly, those are the ones I remember whenever I think back. I guess I was just unprepared for that early tidal wave of negativity and grief for the past and it rocked me for a while you know.... things weren't exactly going so great in my life the last time we were here and I guess I hadn't anticipated stepping back in to all that as well as this." At some point while she was talking, she had sub-consciously taken hold of David's hand, linking their fingers together and running her thumb across his palm. "Look, it's impossible.... I can't not touch you" she suddenly exclaimed through a high-pitched giggle, holding up his hand like she was displaying some kind of trophy.

"Well, you won't hear me complaining about that!" he joked in response, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin against his own for the first time in a very long time.

"Hey, I have something I want to show you!" she suddenly exclaimed, withdrawing her fingers from his and beginning to fiddle with her high-necked top.

"Uhhhhhm Jen, please don't take this the wrong way, but are you absolutely sure this the right time and place for that?" David grinned at her with a look of slight bewilderment as she delved deep under the stretchy fabric, in a way that looked like she was trying to reveal her ample chest.  His face changed in a heartbeat when he saw what she finally retrieved. Tightly gripped in her fingers was the small, golden coffee bean he had gifted her all those many years ago, still sitting on its delicate chain, the chain which she had obviously been wearing all day, hidden from view until now.

"I found this quite a few months ago when I was sorting through boxes of my things. I thought it had been lost which I was utterly devastated about, and I swear I cried for almost the whole day when I realised I still had it. I wanted so much to tell you back then, but I decided it might be more fitting to keep for the right moment..... and somehow, this just felt like the right moment."

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