The One With The Reunion - Part One

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A/N - Just a quick note to say that for the Reunion part of this story I am re-using some small segments of my previous reunion based story where I feel appropriate, so apologies if that confuses anyone. I am only using what I think absolutely fits or can be adapted though so I hope you still enjoy.


Jen's wide smile almost filled her entire face as she sat on the floor surrounded by boxes and papers and memorabilia. One of the greatest things about this enforced downtime had been the opportunity to sit still and refocus, and to have the luxury of time to sort through all sorts of things she had long since forgotten.  She was currently on her third box of old school photos, year books and mementos and it had been a real trip down memory lane.  She had been sending pictures to her girlfriends all morning of some of the treasures she had uncovered, treasures she thought were long since lost in one of several house moves.  She lifted the lid from another slightly battered brown box which had several strips of not so sticky anymore parcel tape half holding it together, and half sticking to itself from the pressures of time. She gasped loudly at the contents, retrieving one thing in particular and instantly pressing it ecstatically and lovingly against her chest.

Jen and David had been true to their word and they had been in almost constant contact during lockdown. At one point Jen had said to him "You know, I feel a bit guilty about you calling and face-timing me every day, are you sure you aren't missing out on time with Cleo chatting so much to me? You don't have to call me every single day you know.... not that I'm complaining at all, I love it, I just don't want you to feel like you have to just because I'm in lockdown on my own."

"Sweetie, I'm calling you because I want to, not because I feel obliged to" David had replied. "I can't actually imagine not calling or texting you all the time now to be honest. It's crazy how quickly you can become used to something."

When Jen had finally been able to go back to filming Season Two of The Morning Show, and David had become busier again with his resurrected projects, they had still made sure they found time to speak to each other almost every day. There had been endless zoom calls between the two of them and the other four Friends, alongside Ben and sometimes the three producers too, as they ironed out all the finer details of their reunion show and planned, and then re-planned, just how it was going to happen during Covid times. They had originally re-scheduled filming for August, but then that had been called off again due to further complications from the pandemic so it was with great relief and jubilation that they finally got the go ahead to film in early April 2021, over a year later than originally planned.

The six of them were raring to go and couldn't wait to be together again on that iconic set. Ben had been absolutely adamant that they weren't to see each other before the cameras were rolling and they entered the stage for the first time again, as he wanted to capture each magical moment as they reconnected with both the set and each other. And although they were all impatient to see their longtime friends again, Jen and David especially, they had all respected his wishes and stayed hidden away in their private trailers as they arrived for the filming, not wanting to ruin his carefully planned moment.

David was the first one called to the stage and as he entered through the doors for the first time in seventeen years, he was hit by just how much it felt like coming home. He wandered around the set which had been put up and dressed exactly as it had been all those years ago. There was Monica's couch, the couch where he and Jen had spent so many hours sat or lay together, curled up, bodies entwined as if they hadn't a care in the world. The coffee shop where they had shared their first proper on-screen kiss. He couldn't help but smile as he remembered the first, much raunchier take where he'd thrown her up on that counter and had to fight so hard to tear himself away from her when they'd yelled 'cut!' God, he couldn't wait to see her again. It felt like so much had changed since the last time they'd actually been together at Court's house and he was desperate to hold her in his arms and bury his nose in her hair..... and to see if those feelings he felt the stirrings of over the many video calls flooded back even more in person. He heard the next person arriving at the door and knew it was Lisa as everything had been meticulously pre-planned, which meant only a few more minutes until the one he was waiting for the most would be arriving.

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