The One With Future Dreams

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Sadly for both of them, Jen didn't get very far with her persuasive touches before they'd been alerted to someone at the gate. "Food's here" she announced as she went off to deal with the delivery, leaving David to 'rearrange himself' as he'd so colourfully described it, his face awash with laughter and love. They'd ordered in Italian from one of his favourite restaurants this evening, both opting for the shrimp linguine which they sat and enjoyed on the outdoor terrace with a bottle of excellent white wine, laughing frequently as they talked about all kinds of things together. The sun was beginning to set as they finished up the last of their food, David clearing away their plates before returning with another bottle of wine which he opened as Jen curled up into him on the sofa, filling their glasses and setting the bottle on the table.

"I could happily spend every night for the rest of my life doing exactly this with you" she sighed happily as she sipped her drink and tucked her bare foot under her thigh, watching as two of the three dogs roamed happily around the vast expanse of garden below them, Sophie who was starting to feel her age a little, preferring to sit on the floor beside David's feet, her head resting contentedly on the top of his arches. Jen looked down and took a mental photo of the scene. "She adores you almost as much as I do" she said with a smile, signalling who she was talking about with a subtle nod of her head and a glance downwards.

"I have to say, I'm pretty damn happy myself right now" David replied. "If you'd told me even a year ago that this is how we would be I'd have laughed. I mean, this really is living my dream."

"Our dream" she gently chastised, "this was always our dream; just being together, watching the sunset, no one telling us what we could and couldn't do. It may have taken us a while and a few bumpy diversions, but it feels like we finally got here."

"What's your dream now?" he asked.

"This is still it" she replied, not quite understanding what he was getting at.

"No I mean, what's your dream for the future now. What would you like to happen in an ideal world, and yes I'm well aware we don't live in one of those, but humour me..."

Jen drank another mouthful of her wine as she pondered his question. "Professionally, that's easy. I want to keep acting and working and doing as much as I can for as long as I can. I'm very happy being at home, which I already knew but realised even more this past year, but I also realised how quickly I get bored when I'm not planning or preparing for something." She took another drink. "Personally..." she raised her head off his shoulder so she could make eye contact with him. "Personally I'd like to hope that one day we could live together at least some of the time, whether it's here or New York, or a mixture of the two, or maybe someplace entirely different. But I know that's a long way off because obviously Cleo needs you around most of the time right now."

"She won't do forever though" he interrupted. "It's scary how quickly she's growing and growing up."

"No I know, but for now she's absolutely your priority and that's exactly how it should be." Jen smiled as a recollection came into her mind. "I know I said about giving Cleo her own room and space here, but I actually cleared out some closet space for you last week, so if you felt like you wanted to leave some of your things here..."

"Jen I barely have enough clothes to put a dent in my closet at home" he laughed in reply, "I'm not an excess clothes kind of guy. I have my few things that I love and wear to death."

"Well maybe you could get some spares of those and leave them here" she suggested with a giggle, " just to save you keep trawling things back and forth from one coast to the other." She grinned as another thought entered her head, "or you could let me buy some clothes for you to keep here? I think I know your style well enough by now."

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