The One Where They're In Denial

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"Hello? Jen's heart was thumping so hard in her chest she thought it might burst out.

"Hey, it's me" David said quietly, hoping his tone would indicate that she shouldn't panic completely.

"Oh hi... fuck, why are you ringing so early? What's wrong?"

"Sweetie don't worry, everyone is ok, but I thought you'd better hear this from me first. We've been rumbled. Someone must have recognised us at that vineyard last week and they've sold the story to some British tabloid magazine."

"Oh fuck" said Jen, angry but at the same time relieved it wasn't the worst news she could've heard. "Did they get photos?"

"No thankfully, no photos, it's very vague and mostly assumptions, although I have to say pretty accurate ones." He paused for a moment, not quite sure how to say what he had to say next. "Listen, the thing is... well... it's not just in this one tabloid. It's been picked up and it's everywhere... and I mean everywhere. When Ina rang me to tell me about it, she'd already had over forty requests for comment and that was at 7am EST and within just an hour of the publication. Hon, it's huge and it seems to be getting bigger. Apparently it's just been on GMA according to the text I've just had from Zoe..."

"Oh shit!" Jen had got out of bed and was pacing around the room in her lilac T-shirt and purple pyjama shorts as she listened to everything David had to say. "Fuck, fuck, fuck... why can't people just leave me the hell alone? Why the fuck is my private life anybody else's damn business?" She stopped pacing as she almost tripped over the platform surrounding her bed. The bed that David had been lay in just twenty four hours earlier, loving life, loving each other and loving their privacy, and entirely eager to keep it that way. "Sorry that's really selfish, I meant us not me."

"No, I totally get it don't worry, you've had to deal with this for nearly thirty years, it's not ok, it never was ok. So, I suppose the big question now is what are we going to do about it?"

"What can we do about it? I guess you told Ina that truth?"

"I told her the story about the vineyard was true but I haven't told her more than that. I said I needed to talk with you first. I've been fielding calls from people left, right and centre all morning. Walliams has been on. I did tell him the truth because I trust him with my life and he is overjoyed for us both, oh and he says hi by the way. Most calls I've just left to voicemail. Obviously I've spoken with Zoe.."

"... and how's she reacted?" Jen interrupted.

"Surprisingly ok actually, much more so that I thought she might. I guess she realises this is out of our control. It's not like we planned this. Her main concern is obviously Cleo and not wanting a ton of paparazzis being camped outside my door taking pics of her, which to be honest is my main concern as well."

"God, what a fucking nightmare. Honey, I'm so sorry, I know this is the last thing you wanted."

"Hey, don't you dare apologise. This isn't your fault. It's obviously just someone who's seen an opportunity to sell a story and make a quick buck. Hopefully it'll all blow over and be yesterday's news in a few hours."

"Hopefully so..." Jen sighed, running her hands through her hair as she tried to get her head around her private life being dragged into the public spotlight yet again. She sat herself back down on her bed and held the phone against her ear with her shoulder, in the same way she'd spent many an hour when she was a teen and chatting to her friends for hours on end. "Urgh, I don't even want to check my cell. It's still in the office."

"I'm sorry for ringing so early and waking you up. I waited as long as I could but to be honest I just wanted to speak to you and hear your voice. This has kind of shaken me a little I'm not going to lie."

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