The One With Humidity Hair

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"Who are you messaging with that dirty grin on your face" asked Adam as they sat sheltering from the intense midday heat in between takes. They were in the early stages of the Murder Mystery 2 shoot in Hawaii and already they'd had one of the cast test positive for Covid which meant things were running off schedule because of it. "Actually, you don't need to tell me, 'cause there's only one person who makes your eyes light up like that. How's he doing?"

"He's doing good" Jen replied with a beaming smile, "he's still trying to steer clear of Covid so he can come out and join me for a few days when we're done filming."

"Why doesn't he come out sooner? I'd love to see him." Adam asked, "or is he busy?"

"He's got his daughter part time so he has to fit in with her schedule" she answered, "I wish he could come sooner though. It's crazy how much I miss him. Not that you're not awesome company of course but..."

"Oh, trust me I get it. I still hate being away from Jackie and we've been together forever, not like you guys, still in your first flush of romance" he added with a giggle, Jen tapping him on the shoulder and tutting in jest.

"It's not exactly our first flush, is it? I don't think we can claim we're at that stage anymore... or have been for a very long time if we're honest. So, when's Jackie joining you? I know she messaged me to say she'd see me soon, but I don't think she said when she was actually coming out."

"This weekend if we can get back on track and still have the time off. She's flying in for about four days, just her, not the kids though. It's a real shame Schwimmer's not going to be here, we could all have had dinner together. I'd have loved that."

"I'd have loved that too" she said with another sigh, "this distance thing is a bit of a killer I'm not gonna lie. LA to New York is bad enough but we'd kind of got into a little routine with that, but this... this is painful and we've only just started."

"Look, if it's too hard and you need a few days we'll sort it okay. I'd rather have you here and happy than here and moping 'cause that's not good for anyone." Adam had grabbed her hand while they were chatting and gave it a firm squeeze. "Just talk to me okay. I want this time to be a good experience for you."

"Oh no I didn't mean... sorry if I've been moping. I was trying my best not to. It's just the longest we've been apart since we finally got it together you know. I've not seen him in over two months and I just wish..."

He never got to hear her exact wish as at that moment they were called back to set for another take, but he made a mental note to check in with her at dinner later and see if they could figure something out between them. One thing he did not want on his hands was an unhappy co-star for the next four months, because even though she was a consummate professional, it was bound to have some kind of effect on his film.

"Hey sweetie" David said as she answered his call, "sorry for ringing so early but I figured if I don't speak to you now, I won't get chance today and I'm missing you enough already."

"I'm glad you called" she smiled, turning over in bed where she'd woken up only about ten minutes earlier. "I can't think of a better way to start the day than hearing your voice. Although, seeing you and holding you would be the dream right now."

David raised an eyebrow and giggled in response. "Hopefully before too much longer that'll be the reality again, for a few days at least. And I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to that day." He took a couple of sips of coffee in between talking.

"You could've made me one while you were at it" Jen joked when she heard him drinking. "What is it you're doing again today?"

"I've had theatre meetings remotely all morning and I've got more meetings scheduled for the rest of the day" he replied, "there's a film I'm pretty keen on signing up for, which, if it comes off, will mean shooting in LA for at least a month, hopefully longer."

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