The One With Crappy Birthday Jen

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"Get that fucking thing down now" she hissed into the phone with a ferocity that David had never heard from her before. "No... NO, don't talk to me, just fucking do it and do it NOW." There was an uneasy silence in the room for a few moments and David could see the tension raging in every fibre of her body. "I don't give a fuck whether you thought it was funny or not you absolute asshole, you've probably just lost me several commercial partnerships and not to mention completely violated the NDA you signed..." She paused to listen for maybe two or three seconds before jumping in again. "I'm not interested in your pathetic excuses, it was a jerk move and you know it was. You think I couldn't drag your sorry, cheating, girl chasing ass through the gutter if I wanted to? I have way more dirt on you than you'll ever have on me but I'd never even consider doing something like this..." Again she stopped to listen for just a brief moment. "No, you know what, I'm done. I'm totally done. I don't give a rat's ass how sorry you say you are because I don't believe a word of it. You're just bitter that I've moved on happily and your little gravy train has left the station. Pull any kind of stunt like this again and you'll be hearing from my attorney not me. You tag me in nothing, you post nothing about me, no pictures, no videos, no comments... nothing. You got it? Good. Now fuck off and leave me the hell alone so I can make some calls and start trying to repair the damage you've done..." She went to press cancel but he was obviously still trying to talk. "Of course you've done damage! You posted a private video showing me smoking and completely wasted and that's the total antithesis of the brands I'm paid to represent. Stephen's phone is probably blowing up already..." Another very brief pause followed. "Justin, I'm through with listening to your crap. There's nothing you can say to justify this. I'm going."

Jen slammed the phone down onto the sofa beside her and sat in complete silence, clenching and unclenching her fists as her heart pounded so hard she could feel it vibrating in her teeth. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been this angry. "Can I borrow your phone?" she asked after a few moments had passed, David allowing her the quiet time and space she obviously needed to regain control and calm down a little.

"Sure" he said, handing it over without hesitation although he was slightly confused.

"I want to speak to Zoe" she said, "do you mind if I call her?"

"Of course not" he replied in an instant, quickly understanding her request. "Do you need to take a another minute before you do? I don't want you two falling out over this as well."

Jen looked at him incredulously. "I want to thank her not shout at her, but good to know the level of trust you have in me" she shot back in retort. She paused, taking a very deep breath and giving herself a physical shake. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that was totally uncalled for. You're the last person I should be taking my frustration out on." David moved to give her a hug but she stopped him. "Don't... don't be nice to me right now because if you are I'm going to burst into tears and cry for hours and I'm not letting him ruin my birthday like that."

David's shoulders slumped as he sat back into the sofa and shrugged. "Ok, if that's how you want to deal with it. Just let me know when and how I can help."

"Please, don't be like that. I'm not pushing you away. I just want to speak to Zoe, speak to Stephen and then we can enjoy the rest of the day okay?"

"Okay" he replied, not sounding in any way convinced.

Jen could feel the tears building and she swallowed hard several times in an attempt to push them back. When it didn't work and a couple escaped, she stood and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water which she quickly drunk half of, determined she wasn't going to let her emotions win this battle. She hit call and waited for a few rings before it was answered.

"I hope she's ripped his fucking balls off" Zoe's voice said loud and clear.

"I think they're hanging by a thread" Jen replied, laughing despite herself, "sorry I hijacked David's phone to speak to you, I hope you don't mind?"

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