The One Where The Reviews Are In

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Jen and David had showered, had their very late morning coffee and taken the dogs for the promised and much needed long run around the gardens before either of them thought to check their phones. They were both more than a little surprised when they did.

"Uhhhmmm David..." Jen said her voice sounding higher than it usually did these days, her tone filled with surprise.

"I just saw" he replied in an instant. "Looks like you were right and people did notice our 'crush' reveal a little more than I expected."

"A little more? Are you kidding me? It's actually headline news according to some texts I've had. Wow, I thought it would attract more attention than you believed but I didn't expect this."

"Well, maybe people just need something happy and romantic to focus on in these weird, depressing times" he replied, "and if it takes us to do that, then maybe we should consider it a public service" he added with a cheeky grin as he continued to scroll through all the hundreds and hundred of posts about the reunion show, pretty much all of them entirely positive and enthusiastic. "It seems like Ben judged the tone perfectly according to the reviews and the feedback I've seen so far." He switched to the photo library on his phone, flicking back a couple of months to the multiple pictures he'd taken or had taken during the two days of filming. There were numerous ones of the set, of his friends, of Cleo with his friends. But one photo stood out a mile to him. Jen in his arms, her head resting on his chest wearing a smile that said to him she had finally found peace. A thought entered his mind. He held up his phone to where she sat next to him, her legs curled up beneath her and her knees resting lightly against his thigh. "What do you think of this picture?" he asked, handing her his phone as she pushed her glasses back up her nose so she could see it more clearly. The smile that spread across her face told him she liked it.

"I love it" she said, holding it up higher and studying it intently. "I don't even remember this being taken though."

"No we thought he'd finished taking and then he snapped this extra one" David said taking back the phone as she offered it. "Would you mind if I put this on my Instagram? I feel I want to share something unseen and somehow this feels the most fitting, well for me it does anyway."

"I wouldn't mind at all" she replied in an instant. "In fact I'd feel quite honoured."

Within minutes David had put together a post. "Sure that's ok?" he asked, showing her the screen and caption which read 'Last hug of the night'.

"That's entirely ok" she smiled, placing her hand on his thigh and giving it a gentle squeeze as he pressed post to his story. "Now dare I suggest we go out for dinner tonight or shall I order in and we'll lay low?"

"Not that I have anything at all against being seen in public with you, but maybe we should stay in this evening just in case we get papped and I have to explain that to Cleo."

"Staying in is fine by me" she replied, "in fact staying in with you is my new favourite thing to do." She smiled warmly at him, her hand still resting on his thigh along with her knees. "Listen talking of Cleo, and please don't think I'm trying to push things because that's absolutely not the case, but when the time is right and she does know about 'this', I'd like to give her her own room here. Somewhere she can help design herself and is entirely her own space so that she knows she is very much welcome here as much as you are." She almost stopped herself from continuing but decided it was too important not to say. "I've been that girl, splitting my life between numerous houses and parents and step parents, and for me it wasn't at all enjoyable. I'm not sure I ever really felt at home anywhere until I moved to LA and found my own tribe and my own way. And I'm absolutely aware that Cleo has two parents who both love her intently and are doing all the right things to put her first. I just would hate her to feel I'm swooping in and taking you away from her, so I figured if she had her own space here from the start, it might just help her adjust a little easier."

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