The One With Vines And Wines

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They'd enjoyed their final in a trio of 'work outs' shortly after climbing into bed together that night, having spent the rest of the afternoon and evening lazing by the pool, listening to music, talking, eating and drinking some of Jen's favourite wine. It was whilst drinking and discussing one particular bottle that an idea had formed in her mind. An idea which he had listened to and happily agreed would be a really lovely thing to do.

"Thanks TJ, see you in an hour or so then" she said as she hung up the call, reclining back onto the sofa as she took another sip of her morning coffee. "Right, it's all sorted. Lunch is ordered and they're expecting us, well they're expecting me and a guest at least, I guess the guest being you will be something of a surprise, but they do enough business with me to have a little discretion, I'm sure."

"I'm looking forward to it. It'll be great to be actually on a real, proper date day together and not spend the entire time looking over our shoulders in case we get spotted." He stopped for a moment, obviously a thought having entered his mind.

"What if we do get spotted? Do you have any thoughts on how you'd like to 'handle' this?" she interjected, sensing that was exactly what was running through his brain. "I am willing to go with whatever you think by the way, since Cleo is clearly the priority here. I assume she doesn't know you're with me right now?"

"No, she has no idea. Neither her nor Zoe know anything other than I'm out of town. I don't have to give my whereabouts all the time, although to be fair I usually do because I want to be contactable should they need me. But no, I said I was in LA for a few days but not why or with who. And that's not for any negative reason by the way, but this is the first real time you and I have ever spent together like this, and I wanted it to be completely private. I also wanted to make sure that we know what we are doing and planning long before anyone else does so if it's ok with you, I suggest we keep this as quiet as we can for as long as possible until we are absolutely sure that it's what we both want long term, and that we can make it work with the distance and logistics." He paused before quickly adding, "I am pretty sure we can for the record, and I absolutely know I want to... I just don't want to get Cleo's hopes up unless we're totally committed because I can tell you, this news will make her the happiest girl in the world."

"I know I want to too" she replied, "but yes, I completely agree with you. We need to figure this out and enjoy getting to know how to be with each other again properly before even thinking of bringing anyone else into it, especially gorgeous Cleo." It was Jen's turn to pause now.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Does that mean we are back to where we were all those years ago? Hiding the truth and not telling anyone about this?" she said with a hint of sadness and frustration in her voice.

"I don't think it has to be, unless you want it to be and I'm sensing from your tone that you don't?"

"I don't want to go screaming from the rooftops about you... well part of me does actually, but I won't. But it would be nice if finally, I could mention your name to the girls without having to check myself in case I give away too much you know? Or if you could occasionally join in on the Sunday Fundays with Jimmy and Molly, and Jason and Amanda and all their tribes. Just normal things that normal couples do. I'd love it if we could get in on some of that action."

"I'd love that too" he smiled, "have you said anything to anyone about this yet, or is it just you and me who know... and a few of your staff obviously."

"I think someone else knows... well I think she's guessed anyway."


"No, I was going to say Court. Why? Do you think Lisa knows too?"

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