The One With The Last One - Part One

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Jen got into her car and just sat. She didn't want to go home to an empty house again. She thought hard about following David, who had left about twenty minutes ago. After their emotional and somewhat steamy make out session a short while earlier, he had made sure to walk her out to her car, checking she was going to be ok tonight and hugging her tightly, obviously not wanting to let her go but feeling obliged that he should. She reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. No more new messages. She wasn't sure whether that made her more or less upset. She scrolled down through her contacts and hit dial after a couple of seconds. It went straight to answerphone. "Hi, call me please when you get this. It doesn't matter what time of day or night. We need to talk." She flipped her phone shut for a few seconds then opened it up again, scrolling further down her contacts until she reached the name she was looking for. Her fingers hesitated for a second before she had second thoughts and once again snapped the phone shut and tossed it back into her purse. She ignited the engine and pulled away, still not entirely sure where she was headed to.

Just over fifteen minutes later she found herself pulling into the hidden viewpoint. She climbed out of her car and sat herself heavily on the barrier, surveying the beautiful scene that played out before her eyes. It was so peaceful and calm and serene.... everything that she wasn't right now. She held her head in her hands and sobbed. She sobbed and sobbed and sobbed until she felt completely and utterly drained. Here she was with her beautiful life, that to an outsider must seem practically perfect in every way, and yet she hadn't felt this level of fear and distress since that horrific day when her dad had simply packed a bag and walked out of the family home never to return. The thought of losing more things she cared about terrified her, and yet here she was, about to lose the show that had become her everything, she was pretty sure she was on the verge of losing her husband, and if she didn't act soon, she was going to lose the man who had been her absolute everything for the past ten years too. She knew she wasn't being fair to him, putting him in the difficult position she had earlier, but she'd needed him.... and she wanted him. He was the only person right now who could make her feel something other than jarring pain and although she prided herself on being considerate and selfless, something deep inside her gut was telling her that she needed to be a little selfish in order to survive this landslide that was hurtling towards her.

The next two days were incredibly busy ones at the Stage 24 set. There was a plethora of cast interviews being filmed for various media outlets worldwide alongside the usual last rehearsals for the live show. On Thursday, Jen had barely seen David to say more than "Hey, here's your coffee" before they were both whisked off to hair and makeup and then swiftly into the sea of waiting journalists. It was long gone 10pm when they were finally leaving the lot, some 4-5 hours later than usual on a rehearsal day, and they were scheduled to be back by 8am the next morning for more of the same before filming the penultimate live show, so no one was hanging around chatting for a change. Friday daytime was equally manic, and by the time the audience was being warmed up and the sets were all ready and waiting for some more Friends magic to be created, the six cast members were almost on their knees with tiredness. They grouped together backstage for their weekly huddle and David made an uncharacteristically emotional speech which had the desired effect of breaking through the exhaustion barrier and firing them up to make this night a memorable one.

He finally managed to get Jen alone and in his arms back stage for five minutes as the crew were busy filming the short opening scene between Lisa & Matt.

"I don't feel like we have managed to say more than two words to each other since..... well, you know...." he said quietly to her as they waited in a darkened part of the set ready to film their opening scene together in Ross's bedroom. "Are you going to be ok doing this?" he gestured to the set where they were shortly to share a fiery encounter.

"Honey, I will be more than ok" she smiled warmly at him, "if I am honest, the thought of getting to do things like this with you again is all that has gotten me through these past two days." She wrapped her arms tightly around his body, resting her head against the upper part of his chest, drinking in his scent and drawing a sense of calm from their togetherness. As they were called to their marks, she suddenly ran her fingers down his shirt undoing the top couple of buttons with a wink, "gotta make this look real" she teased, "and if it were me and you doing this then there would be at least two buttons undone somewhere between the couch and this doorway. Now let's enjoy this shall we?"

And enjoy it they did, and so did the audience. The reaction to the two of them falling over each other into the bedroom with such passion and urgency had the crowd going crazy, so much so that they had to re-shoot a couple of times because the lines got lost in the frenzy. That audience reaction to the Rachel and Ross love story that was playing out on stage was vocal throughout the night. From the sweetly funny moment of the lobsters enjoying their moment of post loving closeness together as Rachel was leaving to go home, to the utter heartbreak of Ross at Rachel's 'perfect way to say goodbye' line, Jen and David had every single member of the crowd and the crew lost in their world as they delivered their lines and told their characters' story with raw emotion and pure love. As the final scenes were filmed of Ross realising that he had to tell her how much he loved her and deciding to rush to the airport, the audience were on their feet cheering and whooping and urging him on to go and get his girl.

Jen grabbed David by the hand, running on stage for their end of night bows and not letting him go as they made their way off set again. She didn't stop until they were both safely behind her dressing room door where she buried her head on his chest and wept, totally overcome with emotion, exhaustion and despair at the thought that they now only had one more show left before the door would close on the best time of their lives. He let her cry, holding her tightly, stroking her back and whispering that everything would be ok, even though he felt far from sure that he was telling the truth. In reality he had no idea what was going to happen beyond next Friday. The only thing he did know was that if she needed him or wanted him, then he would be there for her, whatever that meant and whatever the consequences.

He held her for what seemed like an age until her tears finally came to an end and she raised her weary head to look at him. "It's always you, isn't it?" she began, "it's always you who is here to save me.... to pick up the pieces and fix me back together." She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him tenderly on the lips, a gentle kiss that was straight from her tormented heart. "I love you so much, and I'm sorry....... I'm sorry for not choosing you when I should have done." She looked intently into his eyes, "I messed up...... I messed everything up."

A short time later and after sharing another emotional hug goodnight, Jen had followed David out of the parking lot in their respective cars, staying close behind him until he turned off in the direction of his home and she carried on towards hers. She was surprised to see several of the rooms lit up as she pulled in through the heavy gates. She had expected everywhere to be in darkness as her housekeeper would be long gone by now. She opened the door into the large entrance lobby and the first thing she saw was a gigantic bouquet of red roses displayed on the table, not her favourite white ones but still beautiful all the same. There was a card next to them which she picked up and read pensively. 'Jen, I love you and I'm sorry. B xx'

She kicked off her shoes and headed down the hallway into the kitchen, dropping her purse on the counter. "Hi" she said curtly, "I wasn't expecting you to be home tonight. I wasn't sure when you'd be home. In fact, I think I remember your exact words were 'I'm far too busy to be dealing with all your hysterical crap right now so I'll see you when I see you'." She opened up the floor to ceiling fridge and pulled out a bottle of ice-cold water, before turning her back on Brad and heading for one of the doorways. She spun around before exiting the room, "I'm going to bed, you can join me or not, your choice, but you don't need to worry.... I won't be unloading any more of my emotional baggage on you now or in the future."

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