The One With Bubbles In Bubbles

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Jen added a generous amount of sweet smelling crystals to the bath that was already filling the room with steam. It didn't take long for a mountain of fragrant white froth to appear on the surface of the water. She sunk her hand beneath the bubbles to check the temperature, bringing it back out just as David appeared beside her, dressed only in the black bathrobe she'd both for him. She turned and placed a large blob of foam on his nose, letting out a high pitched giggle as she did so. "It suits you" she said, peeling off her white robe and climbing into the deep, warm water. She watched as he did the same, settling himself down at the opposite end of the marble bathtub. She reached behind her head and retrieved two fluted glasses filled with white, fizzing liquid. "Cheers" she said as she passed one to David and they clinked them together.

"Cheers" he said, "here's to successfully surviving our first major hurdle as a real couple."

"I'll drink to that" she said with a gentle smile. "You know, I still can't believe you just dropped everything and flew straight back here like this, but I'm so happy you did."

"It felt like the right thing to do" David replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "And selfishly I wanted to be here with you to deal with all this. It shook me much more than I was expecting to be honest. I knew something along these lines would happen one day, we were bound to get spotted, but never did I think that it would make headline news the world over. I mean that's pretty crazy."

"You know, I think people are just desperate for some good, positive news right now after so much heartache these past eighteen months."

"Yeah well, we soon put a stop to that didn't we? Sorry world!" he said with a grin, sipping at his wine. He paused for a few seconds as he ran his eyes over the woman whose naked legs were resting comfortably against his own in the deep, soft water. "I still have to pinch myself that this is real. That we're finally somehow making us work after all this time."

"Me too" Jen said, her eyes softly smiling at him, "all those times we sat in secret in your back yard or at the viewpoint, watching the sun go down and making plans together... after everything that happened I never in a million years thought we'd get this second chance."

"When did you honestly start thinking about the possibility of us again?" David asked, taking a long drink of his wine as the bubbles in the bath swirled around his half-submerged torso.

"Honestly?" He nodded so she thought for a second and then continued. "When we met up at your hotel after the Jimmy tribute, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I went home that night a different person and I told Justin to leave the next day. Not because I thought I had any chance with you, but because seeing you again made me realise just how big a lie I was living with him. And then when we finally managed to get the six of us together after so many years apart, well that night opened a floodgate of feelings for me. I was so nostalgic for what we'd shared, especially when we looked back at all those old photos and the love we had for each other screamed so loudly from every single page. I didn't want you to go back to your hotel, I wanted you to come home with me. And then you suggested going on a date sometime and my heart was yelling at me to tell you not to go, but I didn't think for one minute you would say yes after what I did to you, so I squashed my feelings and said nothing as you left, but God I didn't want you to go."

David shook his head at her and smiled, "I wish you had said something because I was feeling the exact same way. I suggested going on a date to test the waters and read your reaction, and I thought I saw the same feelings as I had reflected in your eyes but I wasn't sure enough to push it. And then I saw that Santa in a shop a few months later and you could have it customised to play any song you liked so the idea came to me to put 'Baby Got Back' on and send it and see what your reaction to that would be."

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