The One With Wherever You Are Is Home

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Jen couldn't stop looking at the picture he'd sent her. She loved that she could feel his love for her oozing out of that shot. To anyone else it would look like a random photo, and that's how she'd posted it online herself, using it as an easy plug for Lolavie. But in her mind, she knew that he'd shared it because he wanted her to see how she looked through his eyes, and that simple gesture had almost melted her heart as she sat in the car on the way to the airport. She'd slept through her 7.00am alarm having still been wide awake at 4.30am, sleep evading her as it so often did. Well, at least it did when he wasn't sleeping beside her. She'd been wrenched from her dreams by Angela, her long time make up artist and close friend, banging hard on the door of her suite at 8.34am in a panic as they were being picked up to catch the plane back to LA at 9.00am. Somehow Jen made it to the car only five minutes late, her hair still damp as she'd left it to air dry, her face make up free, and her overnight bag packed in a crazily haphazard manner. The first time she'd looked at her phone was when they were safely on the road, and she couldn't help the wide smile that filled her cheeks the instant she saw what he'd shared.

It had been just under three weeks since she'd last seen him and it was scheduled to be another three days before she'd see him again. They'd arranged that he would fly into town the night before her birthday so they could spend a couple of days together before she was whisked off to Paris filming again for the next six weeks. She was so looking forward to spending her birthday with him this year, especially since they'd missed Christmas, and they'd made plans to spend the day together and then in the evening they'd be joined by a host of friends for a celebratory dinner. Jen had arranged for one of her favourite chefs to come in and cater it and she was really looking forward to spending her day with the man she loved and some of her closest friends. She fired back a message in reply, asking if he'd mind her using the picture as a promo shot for Lolavie, loving that she could share something so intimate and yet the world would never know the true story or meaning behind the picture. Of course, he'd said yes, so she'd spent several minutes designing a story for Instagram, hitting post then relaxing back into her seat and looking forward to the end of the week when they'd finally be reunited once again.

Plane landings for Jen were almost as bad as take offs and today's had been a particularly bumpy arrival back to earth. Her legs were still feeling like jelly as she climbed down the steps into the bright LA sunshine. She hugged Angela and couple of the film crew goodbye, thanked the pilot once again for his time and skill, and then happily greeted TJ who was swiftly gathering her numerous cases and loading them into the trunk of the car. God, she couldn't wait to get home she thought as she opened the door ready to slip into the cool, rear interior. Her jaw dropped open as she saw David sat in the rear waiting for her.

"Surprise" he said as she let out a loud squeal and threw herself across the seat into his arms.

"Oh my God" she cried, "I thought you weren't coming 'til Thursday?"

"I wasn't, but I figured there was no real reason not to come sooner, and to be honest, I kind of like surprising you."

"I love you surprising me too!" she exclaimed loudly, "I can't believe you're here. This is just..." She stopped talking as her emotions took over and any words were blocked by the huge lump in her throat. "And now here come the tears" she teased herself, "sorry, they're totally of happiness, and maybe a little bit of relief to be almost home."

"Not much longer and we'll be there" David said, kissing the top of her head as she buried her face into his collarbone. "I can't tell you how happy I am to have you back a little closer again, and I know it's not for long which is why I thought we should make the most of it. But obviously if you have plans for the next few days, just go ahead with them. I don't want me surprising you to change anything."

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