The One With One Hundred Songs

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A/N - And here we are, Chapter ONE HUNDRED !!! Seriously, thanks so much for coming on this extended joyride with me. I have no idea how many more chapters there will be, I keep thinking I'm done and then suddenly I'm not! But I hope you continue to enjoy, and thank you for all of your comments and feedback so far. And an extra special thank you and I love you to "the girls" who have encouraged me every single chapter along the way and who I would be lost without. And now, back to the story, with an exceptionally long chapter in celebration of this milestone!


"David, could you come here a minute please? I need your help, but you have to close your eyes so you don't see me."

David made his way down the corridor to the bedroom, where he had been summoned. He stopped in the vast walk through closet outside the room. "It might be easier if you come to me and I'll close my eyes otherwise it could end in disaster with me tripping over a dog or something" he said with a chuckle.

"Ok, but promise, no peeping" she said as she shimmied her way across the bedroom to where he stood in between two ceiling height banks of perfectly organised clothes storage.

"No peeping I swear. I want this to be a surprise as much as you do."

"I need help with my zip, it's got stuck" she said as she turned her back to where he was stood, eyes tightly shut, arms outstretched ready to assist her. "I'm going to back up into you" she giggled, shuffling herself closer towards him in reverse. His hands found the top of her back and her shoulders, fumbling to find the zip but finding mostly bare skin instead. "Lower..... lower.... a bit lower" she advised as his fingers traced her spine right to the very base before he found a delicate fastening hidden within soft, silky fabric. He struggled for a few seconds before managing to free it from it's trapped position and slide it a few centimetres upwards, still keeping his eyes tightly closed despite being desperate to open them. He leaned forward, his hands still carefully placed on the tops of her hips, and found her neck with his nose.

"You smell good enough to eat" he breathed. "Now, I'm going to get myself out of here before I see or do something I shouldn't."

"Thank you" she said with a slightly nervous giggle as he turned and walked swiftly away, shielding his eyes from the multiple mirrors as he did so. She checked her reflection, pulling the dress down slightly over her ample chest that was already threatening to break loose. If she'd been dressing to wear it in public she would've used half a reel of tape to hold her in... but since tonight was for David's eyes only, she was in no way bothered if one of her girls made a subtle bid for freedom.

She pulled out one of her favourite pairs of Jimmy Choo heels and slipped them on, instantly growing by four inches. She readjusted the dress now she was taller and gave her hair one last flick. "Ok I'm ready, are you ready?" she shouted.

"Oh I'm ready" came back his swift reply as she set out down the corridor as if it was a model's runway.

He was leaning against the kitchen counter as she entered the room and he was glad he was as he caught sight of her, because he was pretty sure he felt his heart stop beating. She was wearing a very pale yellow dress, sleeveless with a deep, wide, V shaped neckline which left little to the imagination as it plummeted almost to the bottom of her rib cage. The dress was fitted perfectly to her tiny frame and as she did a little spin for him, his eyes got to delight in what his fingers had already enjoyed, which was an almost completely exposed back. The dress carried on, hugging her figure almost to the floor, stopping shortly before it settled on her shimmering gold sandals with impossibly high stiletto heels. There was a second of silence as he collected his thoughts. "Excuse my language, but Fuck me!" he said breathlessly. "You look completely incredible."

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