The One With Fine Wine

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David was clearing away the remainder of Sunday lunch as Jen walked into the room laughing loudly. "Schwimmer, what the fuck is this?" she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she held up her phone towards him.

"What the fuck is what?" he asked with a smile of confusion.

"Coin Master adverts? Really?"

David let rip with a loud snort of laughter. "Yeah, I know they're kinda cheesy but hey you know what, it was actually quite a lot of fun and the money was crazy for like two day's work. I mean, I know I'm not destitute, but it all adds to Cleo's pot for the future right! Plus, it was kind of a favour for an old friend."

"You must've owed him big time" Jen laughed, watching the commercial again and again.

"Yeah, well not all of us still get offered the classier stuff like you" he teased in return. "Because not all of us still look as good as you do so we gotta take whatever comes our way."

"You still look pretty damn fine to me" said Jen as she sidled up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, her phone still in her hand playing the advert against his stomach as she kissed the back of his shoulder. "So, are you still not going to tell me anything about where we're going later?"

"No, I'm still not telling you, although if you keep laughing at me like that, I might cancel our plans and you can just stay in and do nothing."

"Well, that's not exactly a punishment, is it? Staying in and doing nothing with you is pretty high on my list of favourite pastimes."

David turned around in her arms, a huge grin on his face. "You say the nicest things" he laughed, "but I'm still not telling you no matter how nice you are to me."

"Can you at least tell me what I need to wear?"

"You can wear whatever you like, but I will be wearing a shirt and tie if that helps?"

"Oh okay, well I didn't bring anything really dressy, but I'll do my best" she replied, her face falling a little.

"Hey, stop that, don't go over thinking on me, it's honestly fine whatever you wear. The only one who will be looking at you is me and I think you look perfect in pretty much everything." David said with a smile, hugging her tightly before pinching her phone and running off, stopping the advert that was playing on repeat. "I think we've had plenty enough of that now..." he giggled as she chased after him resulting in several minutes of cat and mouse play around the room.

"Jen, are you nearly ready? Paul's gonna be here in ten minutes" David called up the stairs several hours later, stopping to fix his tie in the full length mirror as he turned and walked back into the living area.

"I'll be down in a minute" came her distant response. The minute turned into five as he paced around the sofa to the kitchen and back again, really not wanting to keep the car waiting in the street, but not wanting to begin this evening with a spat over Jen's notoriously lacking time keeping either. "Will this do?" she asked as she walked barefoot into the room less than a minute later, a pair of black high heeled sandals swinging from her fingers. She was wearing a very low cut, spaghetti strapped black dress, not fitted, in fact quite loose, her ample breasts filling and almost spilling from the silken fabric which draped easily then floated high above her knees. Her hair fell in natural waves and curls around her face which was accented with beautifully subtle make up.

"Wow.... I mean you look.... you look.... simply stunning" David stuttered, making his way over to where she stood in the doorway, his eyes wandering every inch of her body and liking immensely what he saw.

"It's the only thing I brought that isn't jeans and a T-shirt" she said with a slight giggle, "but I don't know if it's appropriate for wherever we're going."

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