The One With Memories, Sweet Memories

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David couldn't control the smile that spread across his face as he scrolled back through his photos from his recent trip to Hawaii. One in particular spoke to his heart, mostly because it was a perfect capture of a moment in time. He hit the share button, tapped out a message and pressed send, the photograph now winging its way in a million tiny pixels across the miles to the sandy shores he remembered with such great fondness. He'd not heard from her yet today, but she should be waking up any time now because she had an early flight back home. Hopefully that photo would put a big smile on her face when she saw it. It was certainly a weekend he wouldn't be forgetting in a hurry. The look on her face as he'd poked his head around the balcony screen and she'd realised that she wasn't dreaming, he was actually there. And then finally getting to wrap his arms around her again after almost three months apart. He'd had periods of missing her when they were younger, of course he had. Those long summer breaks away from Stage 24 were always difficult, but he'd never in his life felt so incomplete and desolate as he had those in recent weeks over Christmas where they'd been forced apart, once again by circumstances not choice.

He could barely remember falling into bed beside her that first night after their fabulous first dinner with Adam & Jackie, and he'd pretty much sleepwalked his way through their reunion sex, but the next night... well, that was special and entirely memorable. He closed his eyes and the scene played across his mind like a movie on the big screen. Walking along the shoreline, hand in hand, talking, laughing, splashing and playing, and then she'd run off, him following closely behind, knowing he could easily overtake her but enjoying watching her far too much to try. And then she'd flung herself down onto the towel on the sand, laughing almost uncontrollably and looking up through the leafy palms overhead which spread the moonlight out into a flickering pattern across her face. He'd thrown himself down beside her, his hands finding hers which lay flat out above her head and pinning them in place so she couldn't playfully run off from him again. He'd honestly thought in that moment that his heart might actually explode from happiness. He couldn't believe they were finally getting to live out the fantasy that had played in his head for years and years. He'd lay there just looking into her eyes for a few seconds before he had to kiss her. He couldn't not. The magnetic pull she held over him was so strong he couldn't resist. And her lips. Her sweet tasting, glorious lips. He was a regular guy and kissing anyone else had always been nice, but paling in comparison to the sex. However, with Jen he could have happily lay and just kissed her all day long and never got bored. But that kiss as they lay on the sand... that had been pretty obvious and intense from the start. He'd known as soon as their lips met that this kiss was a pathway to more... so much more. He couldn't fight the surge in his groin, and if he was honest, he'd neither tried nor wanted to. He'd wanted her. He'd wanted her so badly and he'd wanted her there and then. The second he'd released her hands, needing to touch her and hold her, she had indicated she felt the exact same rush of urgency as he did. Instantly her fingers had sunk below the rear of his soaking wet shorts, pulling his centre even closer into her sea drenched, salty and slightly sandy body. Her other hand had found it's way to his hair, grasping and kneeding as her tongue danced with his. And then suddenly, without warning, she'd pulled away. He'd thought she'd got scared, anxious, nervous at being so exposed and out in the open, but then, after checking the coast was clear, literally in this case, she'd made his heart soar by letting him know in no uncertain terms, that she had indeed been thinking exactly what he was thinking. He'd wanted to, God he'd wanted to, but what if they got caught? What if they got seen? Even if it was only by Adam and Jackie, it would still be pretty mortifying. But then he'd looked at her, lay out beneath him, her entire body seemingly begging for his attention; and her eyes, the glint and glimmer shining out that she reserved only for him... there was no way he was resisting that. He didn't want to resist that. He'd wanted to take part in this risky little game. "Dare we?" he'd said, wanting to hear from her that she felt happy to carry on too.

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