The One With Fright Night

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"Oh sweetie, you don't need to worry" he said instantly, "it's all privacy glass. No one can see a thing through these windows at all. We can see out but no one can see anything from the opposite side so honestly, you have absolutely nothing to worry about."

"Oh thank fuck for that" she said, letting out a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding, but still sounding completely panic stricken. "Are you completely sure? She was looking straight at me."

"I'm completely sure. It was one of the none negotiable stipulations I had when I was rebuilding this place, that I had to have the most amount of light possible coming in, but with the most amount of privacy at the same time. I went over and checked it myself from the building across the street when they'd finished. It just looks kinda dark, even when the lights are on, you really don't see anything at all." David gave a sudden snort of laughter. "You could even go over there right now and do your 'We're The Millers' strip dance in front of the window and no one except me would be able to see it."

But Jen didn't laugh, in fact she didn't say or do anything. She just sat there, her arms clasped tightly across her naked chest, eyes wide open and staring vacantly at the window.

"Hey, it's okay I promise" David said, placing his hand gently on her knee. "No one can see anything at all. You've got nothing to be nervous about." Still she said nothing, just sat completely rigid, staring blankly ahead.

"Jen, look at me" he said, his voice a little firmer as he noticed her breathing beginning to get more and more shallow and the colour draining from her face. Still her eyes remained firmly set on the window, completely transfixed and obviously traumatised. David slid onto his knees in front of her, blocking the window from view and trying to force her to look at him instead. "Focus on me, and just breathe" he said calmly and quietly but in an entirely commanding tone. He took hold of her ankles. "I'm just going to put your legs up on the sofa" he said, noticing her eyes beginning to roll a little. "That's it, now I'm just going to lie you back down like this..." He gently maneuvered her body backwards, all the way down, resting her head on the cool leather, then placing a cushion under her feet to raise them.

Jen felt like she was swimming in molasses. Thick, black, hot, sticky molasses. She could hear David's voice but it echoed like it was miles away, and his face appeared as though he were at the end of a long, dark tunnel. Her mind was racing. Her eyes unable to focus. Her chest felt like there was a tightening band around it as she battled and fought to simply breathe. Just listen to his voice and keep calm she kept telling herself, but she felt like she was slipping further and further away from him towards an all consuming black hole.

A sudden and overwhelming sense of calm washed over her. A feeling of weightlessness; floating like a puff of white cloud in a blue sky on a sunny day. Able to breathe again. Able to relax and drift around aimlessly. No more fighting. No more battling. No more paranoia. Total serenity. Total peace. Totally free.

"No! NOOOOOOO!" she screamed as her cloud suddenly plummeted out of the sky, her voice ringing in her head like an alarm that couldn't be silenced.

"Jen... Jen.... look at me. It's alright. I'm here. I've got you. It's all okay."

Fingers touching her face, brushing her hair from her cheeks so softly and so gently. Kind, calm words being whispered over and over again like a mantra. She opened her eyes and instead of feeling fear, she felt nothing but love.

"There you are. I'm glad you came back to me" he said in a voice barely loud enough to comprehend, his fingers still stroking her cheek as she tried to lift her head. "Just relax" he continued, "I've got you. You're completely safe."

"What..... I don't understand.... what...."she stuttered, trying to focus her gaze on David's face that kept swimming before her.

"You just passed out for a few seconds" he said softly, "but you're back now and it's all going to be fine. Now when you think you're ready I'll help you sit up, but just take a few moments to recover first ok."

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