The One With A First, A Last And A Party

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Five more weeks had passed and they could scarcely believe they were filming the last show of the series already. It really had been an absolute rollercoaster ten months since that first table read and the six young wannabes were quickly turning into six of the hottest rising stars on US television. The show had also been sold to multiple countries worldwide and there was even talk of a trip to Europe to do some promotion work over there.

Today was the day when Rachel was going to find out about Ross's feelings for her and the two co-stars would get to share their first on-screen kiss, well if you discount the East German Laundry Detergent one which was more of a peck, and accepted this "dream kiss" they were about to film as a real one.  Throughout the week's rehearsals the directors had talked through the kiss and the angles they needed for the shot, but had stopped short of asking their actors to perform it.  Today would be the first time they ran the whole thing and it would be in front of the live audience.

"So are you nervous?" Courteney asked Jen as they sat together over lunch.

"Nervous about what?" Jen replied.

"Kissing David for the first time..... I mean it's pretty obvious you like him so won't this be a bit weird for you?"

"What do you mean I 'like' him?  Of course I like him, he's a great guy and a fantastic friend, why would I be nervous about kissing him?"

"Ok if you say so......" Courteney grinned, making it pretty clear she didn't believe what Jen was saying for one moment.

"Seriously, he's a friend and even if I did 'like' him they made it pretty clear nothing could ever happen so there would be no point anyway."  While Jen was talking her fingers had absentmindedly strayed to the coffee bean on her gold necklace, squeezing it tightly as if to shield it from the lies she was telling.  God, she hated not being able to tell the truth, especially to Court who was quickly becoming one of her very best and closest friends.

David didn't appear in so many scenes this episode as his character was in China, so he had the luxury of watching his five cast mates work from behind the cameras, something which he truly loved as they were all so talented and genuinely made him laugh one moment and cry the next; and also because he had big dreams of directing in television and film himself one day, so to be able to watch Jimmy Burrows in full flow was a real privilege.

They were currently shooting the scene where Rachel opens Ross's gift and learns from Chandler about his feelings for her.  He felt his heart swell and tears prick his eyes as Jen delivered her lines with such emotion and warmth.  He felt like a proud boyfriend and wanted to stand and cheer as the scene ended.  He opted for a huge hug instead as he wandered into the living room set and sat on Monica's sofa where Jen instantly sat beside him and he wrapped his arms around her.

"That was so good" he said, beaming with pride "Really so, so good.  Ross is a lucky guy."

"And Rachel's a lucky girl" she smiled back at him.  "I'm looking forward to doing our balcony scene together later......."  She couldn't suppress the twinkle in her eye as she thought about getting to kiss him again.  Granted it would be in front of a room full of people, but to feel those lips again on hers was something she was very excited for.

"Okay guys, we are going to take it from your lead in David.  When you're ready..... and action!"

"Well start looking........"  David leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Jen's lips, a kiss to which she instantly responded, her hands moving up to his face and then coming to rest in the crook of his neck, pulling him closer to her.

"Cut!  Jen, no hands remember, this is a dream kiss, not a reality.  You're gonna have to hold back a little. Let's take it from the same place.......... And Action!"

"Well start looking........" David approached a little more tentatively this time and Jen pretended this was just another co-star, another meaningless, just for the audience kiss.

"Cut!  I think we need another try guys, that one was a bit too cold.  David, remember this is the girl you have been dreaming about since you met her, you gotta convince her; and Jen, this is the moment where you see him in a whole new light and you start to think there might be something special about this guy.  Right let's go again....... And Action!"

"Well start looking......." David gazed longingly into Jen's eyes as he moved in for another kiss, cupping her face tenderly.  Jen felt herself melt into him, her hands gently resting against his chest as their lips moved sweetly together.  In an instant the contact was whisked away and she was left wanting more, oh so much more..... "Wow!"

"Cut!  Woah guys, that was intense!  I loved it.  We're definitely keeping that one!"

A few hours later they had the final scenes in the can and the end of season wrap party was in full flow. The canteen had been transformed into a makeshift bar and there were cast, crew and various other members of studio staff gathered around, drinking beer and wine, eating pizza and generally enjoying the celebration of nine months of hard but very successful work.  They had rigged up some large speakers and the music was loud and punchy, tempting several people to show off their dance moves.  By 3am things were showing no sign of slowing down and alcohol consumption was on the up.  David was sat on the sofa in Monica's apartment in deep conversation with Matt when he noticed Jen walking towards the stage door on her own, gesturing to him to go after her.  He had excused himself and followed in her footsteps, trying his best not to make it too obvious.

"Hey you, you're not leaving are you?" he called as he caught up to her.

"Leaving? Of course I'm not leaving!" she replied, "I was just going outside for some air to clear my head a little, I was hoping you'd join me.....?"

The dark stillness of the night air was a stark contrast to the studio's stuffy, loud, party atmosphere.

"Today was fun.  I enjoyed kissing you again, and again, and again.......  We should have ruined some more takes!" Jen joked, clearly slightly drunk and being a little less discrete than usual.

"It was pretty great" David agreed, grinning at her as she leaned into him for a hug.

"Wanna practice some more?" she teased suggestively.

"I can't tell you how much I'd love to do that......" he sighed ".....but we agreed."  He looked into her eyes which were alive with mischief and desire.  "God, I want to though."

"Come on then! I know what we agreed but we are free from work for a few months, can we not just enjoy ourselves a little?"

"What out here? When anyone could see us at any time?! I think we both know that's not wise, no matter how much we've had to drink!"

Jen leaned in close, pressing her chest tight against him and murmured in a low voice, "Take me home with you. And I know I've had a few drinks but I'm absolutely serious. I just want to be with you tonight. Please......."

Less than ten minutes later they had gathered their things and slipped away, taking two separate cabs to David's home, where they spent the next three days together, making love, eating take out, watching tv, listening to music, and laughing....... so much laughing.  It was bliss and they didn't want it to end. Of course, it had to at some point and they were brought crashing back to reality on Tuesday morning when, whilst lying together naked in David's bed, they had each received a phone call from the studio, asking them to go in for an urgent meeting with the producers that afternoon. There was something they needed to discuss with them, just the two of them...... something that couldn't wait.

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