The One With Kissing On Command

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A/N - Thanks so much for the continuing love and comments on this monster of a story! I just wanted to say I have been away on a family trip and am behind on writing, so please bear with me as updates may be a little slower for a few days until I catch up. Thank you :)


Jen had managed to find a frame that would fit Cleo's artwork in for now, but made a note to get something more suitable as soon as she could. "If it's ok with you two, I think I'd like to hang this in my office as that's one of the places I tend to sit the most so will see it the most."

"Sure" Cleo said with a wide grin as they all meandered their way to the room and picked a suitable spot. David made himself useful with a hammer and nails and before long the piece of personal handiwork was on display in pride of place on Jen's wall.

"Honestly sweetheart, I don't think you have any idea how much I am going to treasure this" Jen sighed, placing her arm gently around the girl's shoulders, "it is absolutely priceless. Thank you again so much." She pulled her iPhone from her jeans rear pocket. "Hey what do you say to a triple selfie that I can print to go with it?" she asked with a slightly nervous giggle, not sure why she felt anxious about asking but strangely she did. She needn't have worried though because within seconds they were taking multiple photos of themselves; nice ones, funny ones and even, at Cleo's suggestion, one of them kissing with Cleo in the middle covering her mouth in mock shock.

"You know, when you guys head back and I'm really missing you, these will keep my heart very happy" Jen said earnestly scrolling through the pictures as they made their way to the kitchen for lunch.

"Why don't you come back with us?" Cleo asked, "or are you too busy working."

Jen's face changed to one of contemplation for a few seconds as she mentally worked through her calendar for the days ahead. "You know what honey, that's actually a lovely suggestion. No promises but I'll talk to your dad about that later." She caught David's gaze and he gave her the biggest smile which she naturally returned.

The rest of the afternoon was taken up with lunch, a simple chicken salad today which Cleo helped to prepare.  Then it was time for the dogs to be taken for a run in the garden, before Jen led them both to her closet where she showed David the clothes she'd bought for him. Thankfully they met with approval, even the ones where she had strayed outside of his usual colour palette, choosing a few green, burgundy and pale blue polo shirts as well as some light, natural stone and some grey shorts. "I'm just glad you didn't get the other thing" he laughed, well aware Cleo's ears were listening.

"I didn't get that no but there may be some other stuff I'll show you sometime..." Jen said quietly with a raise of her eyebrows and a flash of her eyes. She blew him an air kiss as his face lit up in anticipation.

"Cleo, could you please go and grab your rucksack and visit the bathroom before we head off to Grandma's" David instructed and his daughter happily trotted off to do just that, cheekily looking back over her shoulder as she was about to leave the room saying "you can just tell me to go away so you can kiss her you know" as she disappeared out of the door.

Both David and Jen stood laughing at her comment for a few seconds before he shrugged and pulled her into his arms. "She's not wrong though, that's exactly why I sent her out."

Jen, in her bare feet therefore significantly smaller than he was, reached up and cupped his face with both her hands. "I don't know if I have ever truly felt this happy before" she sighed, as she lifted herself up onto her tiptoes at the same time as he ducked his head down and they met somewhere in the middle, their lips moving together effortlessly and tenderly in a complete communication of the love they held for each other, and the jubilation they felt at sharing such precious time together with Cleo as they started out on their journey as a trio.

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