The One With The Rock

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David was waiting in the parking lot, fiddling nervously with his hands as Jen pulled up, slightly under her usual 20 minutes late, on Monday morning.

"Hey you!" she said with a wide, slightly shy smile as she opened the door and stepped out into the early morning sunshine, turning to grab her purse and a drinks holder containing their two coffees from the passenger seat before locking up and heading across towards where David had been leaning against his vehicle.

"Hey you" he replied with a smile that was half friendly, half anxious. "Look, I needed to check we are ok before going in there? I have been worried all weekend that I said too much or pressured you and I needed to know if you were alright before I could even think about heading inside to deal with whatever Ross is doing this week."

"Honey, you have no need to worry about anything, I promise you. I am good, we are good, it's all good." Jen took a short pause before adding in a low voice, "And I know you are worried, but I don't regret what I did. Yes, it might have been alcohol induced in some small way, but I'd do it again here and now given half a chance. And as for what you told me, I am still processing it to be honest, but you should know that you're absolutely not pressuring me at all. It's given me a lot to think about but definitely not in a bad way." She handed him his coffee, taking a sip from hers and discarding the cardboard tray in a nearby trash can. "Now we'd better get to into work Schwimmy Schwimster. I want to see what they have in store for Rachel and Ross this week since we are getting ever closer to the finale and so far, there isn't much sign of our promised happy ending. So, let's go and see if this is the week they're going to kick it up a notch."

Sadly for them, they weren't handed a script giving their alter egos a torrid love scene or even any time together alone on screen, but they were treated to a fantastic final Thanksgiving episode which they were all truly and honestly grateful for. Jen and David especially enjoyed it so much more than the previous year's with Brad, something they discussed briefly over the lunch table when they had a short window of opportunity to talk privately. Time alone for them was something that was becoming more rare, due to the huge media interest in this final season which saw journalists and external film crews arrive almost every day, shooting interviews, behind the scenes chats and other little cameos to be shown around the time of the final episode. This meant less time for them to hide out in their dressing rooms and significantly more time on display, something which they were always wary of when it was being filmed, Jen especially as she had a tendency to trip over her words in her attempt not to say anything incriminating about her complicated relationship with David.

One such media event was going to be filmed later in the week. Oprah was coming to interview the six of them together on set for the first of two big "farewell" specials she had been asked to present. This one was to be filmed now, before they had shot the second half of the series, and the other would be recorded in late April, around three months after they had wrapped the show forever and would be aired after the finale was broadcast in early May. They hadn't been told the exact format or what the interview would entail, except that they would be in the coffee house, just the six of them and Oprah, and she would be chatting to them all about their feelings as the show was coming to a close, dipping back into the archives and having a general chat about the ten year journey they had been on together.

On Tuesday afternoon, David had finally managed to grab a few moments of peace in his dressing room to go over everything he had to memorise for Friday's episode, when Jen tapped on the door and invited herself in to join him, script in hand so that anyone who saw her would assume she was running lines with him, although that was not her intention today.

"What's wrong?" he asked as soon as he caught sight of the anxious look on her face.

"I'm getting scared about Thursday and Oprah" she replied, sitting herself down next to him, sideways on so that they were face to face, one of her knees resting casually on his lower thigh, the other leg tucked up under her. "What if she asks me something about you and I say something I shouldn't and she sees right through me? You know I'm so awkward when it comes to this kind of thing. And she is bound to bring up something about Rachel and Ross and I just know I am going to get all tongue tied and uncomfortable. Urgh, I just don't want to make things any more messy for us, you know."

"Sweetie, I think you'll be fine. I know you find it difficult but you should give yourself more credit. You're an intelligent, articulate woman, just relax and I am sure you'll do great, just like you always do."

"No you do just fine, I usually let you answer and simply nod and agree with everything you say" she grinned. "Maybe that's what I need to learn to do on Thursday, just nod and smile and say nothing!"

"What exactly are you concerned about saying?" he asked, genuinely interested what was making her so nervous. "I mean, you're married to Brad Pitt...... no one is going to think for one second that there's ever been something between us other than via our characters, so I think you are pretty safe in that respect if that's what you're worried about."

Jen grabbed hold of his hands, holding them tightly and placing them on her lap, "I wish you would stop putting yourself down like that" she said with a hint of exasperation in her voice, "he's not all that special and you are better than him in so many ways." Her tone softened as looked sincerely at him and added, "I wish you could see you as I see you."

David looked at her with his brown, soulful eyes, wondering why on earth he had ever let her get away. "Careful, you know what happens when you're nice to me" he joked, trying to lighten the mood that was threatening to wander towards the edge of the forbidden precipice once more. "Honestly though, if you are so worried about what to say then maybe we could come up with a few stock answers that we can use since there are bound to be a lot of 'what's she like / what's he really like' kind of questions we are going to have to handle in the coming months, so let's plan what we should say together and then you might feel less uncomfortable."

"That's a great idea" Jen said through a huge smile, "and it's not because I am worried about not knowing what to say about you either just so you know. I'm terrified I will say so many great things about you that it will make it impossible not to see just how much I adore you."

They had spent the next half hour or so deciding on a few simple phrases that they felt comfortable using about each other, vague enough so that they hopefully wouldn't prompt any further and more probing questions, but enthusiastic enough that people would know that they had a great bond and that their time together had been memorable for both of them. Jen felt so much more at ease having spent this time with David. As usual he had helped calm and support her in his gentle, no nonsense but completely caring way. As she sat, still holding on to one of his hands, she couldn't help but think once again how different her life might be right now if she had only had the courage of her convictions back when she had the chance. She leaned her head against his shoulder, and gave a deep sigh.

"Penny for your thoughts" David said, his cheek resting on her head, enjoying this closeness while he still could.

"I think you know my thoughts better than I do by now" she replied, lifting her head and smiling warmly. That beautiful, emotional smile that she reserved just for him. The one that came directly from heart and not just her mouth. "Thank you...... for everything." She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek then retreated slightly, nuzzling his neck with her lips as she rested herself back down on his shoulder and he drew her closer in to him with his protective arms. She settled there for a few moments as they enjoyed the quiet togetherness, then she drew away again, looking deep into his eyes once more. "I honestly couldn't do any of this without you. You've always been there for me, and I hope you know how much I love and appreciate that, aside from everything else we've shared, you have always been my rock."

David's cheeks flushed as he gave her his shy half smile that he too seemed to reserve just for her. "Well, since you always put everyone else's needs before yours, someone has to look out for you" he said simply. "Come on, we'd best head back out there before they come looking for us" he sighed, pulling her to her feet and into his arms for a tight hug before kissing her head and walking off down the corridor together, hand in hand, Jen leaning into him for comfort and support, and David happy once again to be the one to whom she was anchored to.

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