The One Where It's Worth The Wait

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Jen shifted a little further up the sun lounger, tilted her head and kissed David with a passion and intensity that led to a surge in arousal and desire for both of them, her fingers already working at the buttons on his shorts as his hands slid from her waist to her ass. They were only there for a few seconds however before David pulled his lips away and stopped her in her actions. "Wait" he breathed, "much as I want you and I want this, I don't want to have to rush it for fear of getting caught. I've missed you too much and I want to enjoy you for as long as possible in the comfort and privacy of the bedroom tonight." He gave her a gentle peck on the lips before asking, "is that okay?"

Jen looked him squarely in the eye and thought she'd never loved him more. "That's more than okay" she whispered against his lips, "that sounds like heaven."

"But that's not to say I don't want to try this too" David replied, as he nuzzled her lips with his own, "because I do... I really do. The thought of sneaking out here when no one's watching and recreating that Hawaii beach magic is an instant turn on for me."

Jen's fingers wandered over his groin as her eyes shone brightly once again... "so it is" she grinned, sinking her lips deeper and with absolute love onto his.

"Come on" he murmured into her mouth after a few more minutes of powerful kissing, "let's take this inside before we get too carried away." He sat up, pushing her up with him, then stood, holding out his hand, which she instantly grasped, pulled her to her feet and led her inside to where the bed was calling their names, and their bodies enjoyed their bodies in complete and luxurious, long-lasting comfort.

"Could your smile be any bigger?" asked Amanda as she lay side by side with Jen on the same sun loungers the next afternoon.

"Sorry" Jen grinned, "actually, no that's a lie, I'm not sorry at all. I'm happy, happier than I can ever remember being in my life and that makes me smile... all the time apparently." She propped herself up on her elbow, adjusting her bikini top and allowing her eyes to wander over the group of children who were having the time of their lives in the sea, swimming, splashing and generally doing everything kids should do at the beach. She sat herself further up, spinning her body around and placing her feet in the hot sand, taking a long drink of cool water from the bottle that was saturated with condensation from the heat of the gleaming sun. She pushed her sunglasses up her nose and peered up at the terrace of the impressive villa to where David was sat in deep conversation with Jason as he set up all the equipment required to record his latest Smartless podcast. As if feeling the gaze, he looked over in her direction and flashed her a goofy smile, blowing her an air kiss which didn't go unnoticed by Jason and which drew him an instant barrage of laddish teasing.

It was shortly after 11pm when all the children were finally in bed, if not all asleep, and the large majority of the adults had just finished up playing poker. "Another drink anyone?" asked Molly as she stood to refill her glass.

"Not for me thanks" replied Jen, standing from her seat at the table and stretching out her arms widely, "I think I'm going to head out for a little walk on the beach" she added, her eyes seeking out her man as she spoke.

David shot her a grin from across the table where he was sat between Jason and Jimmy. "I think that means you're going for a 'walk' too" laughed Jimmy, air quoting the word walk then nudging David firmly in the ribs. "And we all know what that's code for" he sniggered as David's cheeks flushed like fire.

"You're only jealous" giggled Jen with a shake of her head, as David pushed his chair back and stood to go and join her.

"Too right I am, our days of romantic 'walks' on the beach are long passed" Jimmy did the air quotes again and laughed even louder, drawing a swift smack on the head from Molly as she sauntered behind him.

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