The One Where Paris Comes Calling

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"Can you believe we're in Paris together?" Jen said to David who was lay cuddled up in her arms, his head resting on her collarbone with his chin happily nestled into her T-shirted chest.

"I know" he replied, his voice still slightly hoarse from not long since having woken up.

"I'm going to open the drapes so we can see how beautiful it looks."

"No not yet, I'm comfy. Don't move yet... please."

She used the hand of the arm he was hooked into to ruffle and stroke his hair as he shifted position slightly and gazed up at her with absolute adoration. "Okay" she said with a warm smile, her eyes glistening as she revelled in the happiness of starting the day in her favourite way, beside the man she loved. "Is it corny if I tell you that this is my favourite part of the day? Waking up beside you, a whole world of possibilities lying ahead of us."

"If it is corny, then I'm corny too" he replied with a grin and a happy sigh. "I was just thinking pretty much the same thing, that there's no place on earth I'd rather be right now than lay here with you." The arm that was draped leisurely over the soft fabric on her stomach gave it a gentle rub as if to exaggerate the point that he felt completely at home both with her and with her body.

"Thank you again for making such a huge effort to come here. Honestly, I'm not sure I'd have made it through the rest of the shoot without you."

"Yes you would, because you're too professional not to, no matter how much you have to sacrifice" he replied as she tenderly placed her hand on top of the one on her stomach and began to stroke it, her fingers tracing the patterns of his veins. "How much longer before you're due to head home now? Two weeks?"

"At least three" she countered with a grimace and eye roll, "and that's if it all goes to plan, which so far it really hasn't. I love Adam dearly but this whole project is just so badly organised it makes me want to scream on a daily basis."

"And you say you don't do screaming..." David said with a salacious smile, not sure if she'd understand his reference or if it was just his dirty mind instantly going to places it probably shouldn't.

"Not in an angry way" she grinned, her face lighting up with mischief as she absolutely understood what he meant. "The closest I get to screaming is when you're doing stuff to me and making me feel all kinds of things I only ever dreamed of..."

"Sorry" he laughed, "only I'm not sorry at all so that's a blatant lie."

Jen laughed loudly too. "I'm not sorry either... well, only that we don't get to do it whenever we like thanks to being separated for much of the time." A shadow of sadness fell across her face as she spoke, something which didn't go unnoticed by David.

"What?" he asked, pretty sure he knew exactly what was about to come out of her mouth.

"I'm just tired of missing you" she replied, stopping the simple caresses she'd been making on his hand as her shoulders slumped slightly. "I know it's greedy to want more, and I know it's not practically possible to live any other way right now, but it physically hurts my heart when we're parted for so long. I miss you in a way I've never missed anyone before, and I don't like it and I've no idea how to deal with it."

"Sweetie, I don't like it either" David replied, lifting his head from her chest and propping himself up on his elbow so that he could make more direct eye contact with her. "It genuinely scares me how frustrated and tetchy I get when I'm missing you. I've even had to apologise to Cleo a couple of times recently for snapping at her when really I'm just mad at my feelings about our separation. Thankfully she's an understanding kid, but that's not the point, is it?"

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